Personal Finance Test is Friday PERSONAL FINANCE: May 22 Learning Target In order to successfully manage my personal finances, I will analyze how I can invest so I can be comfortable financially. I will know I have it when I can explain: (1) why it is critical to invest sooner than later; (2) why it is necessary to take some financial risk; (3) what stocks are and why they can make good investments; (4) how bonds differ from stocks and why their risk profiles differ; (5) the similarities and differences between retirement plan options; and (6) the risk-return ratio and how I can manage it when investing. Continue Personal Finance: Everfi ( --complete Investing module (Module #9) and fill out pink test review while viewing (HO from earlier) Old Work (need to turn in NOW) AP Classes Only Complete Real Life Balance Sheets if have not done so (HO from earlier) then TURN IN Regular Classes Only Complete Real Life Balance Sheets and charitable contributions and bankruptcy questions if have not done so (HOs from earlier) then TURN IN Personal Finance Test is Friday Password: madison19 Please report to C11 until further notice REPORT TO C11 NEXT CLASS Personal Finance Test is TOMORROW Review Quizlet on GC: (Reg. Eco. @ aebn6i); (AP Eco. @ usual site) Password: madisonhs Final Exam Schedule: Tues.: 4th & 6th ; Wed.: 2nd & 5th ; Thurs.: 3rd & 8th ; Fri.: 1st & 7th