Main Topic and Supporting Details
Every paragraph has a topic Each sentence in the paragraph should say something about the topic. The topic of a paragraph is usually one or two words.
Let’s read this paragraph and identify the topic Whenever Aunt Kim comes for a visit, we have to go antique shopping. I used to think it was boring, but then I realized it was really fun. While Aunt Kim looks at quilts and old jewelry, I explore the antique toys. I like to imagine what life was like in the old days. Aunt Kim is coming this Friday, and I can’t wait.
Were you confused? How many said the topic was Aunt Kim? How many said the topic was antique shopping?
If you said: antique shopping or shopping for antiques You were correct. Let’s find out why.
All of the sentences should be related to the topic. Think about what “it” refers to. Whenever Aunt Kim comes for a visit, we have to go antique shopping. I used to think it was boring, but then I realized it was really fun. While Aunt Kim looks at quilts and old jewelry, I explore the antique toys. I like to imagine what life was like in the old days. Aunt Kim is coming this Friday, and I can’t wait.
Main Idea Every story or paragraph has a main idea. The main idea tells you what the story or paragraph is about. The main idea may be the lesson learned or the moral of the story. The main idea is the most important part of a story or paragraph.
Whenever Aunt Kim comes for a visit, we have to go antique shopping Whenever Aunt Kim comes for a visit, we have to go antique shopping. I used to think it was boring, but then I realized it was really fun. While Aunt Kim looks at quilts and old jewelry, I explore the antique toys. I like to imagine what life was like in the old days. Aunt Kim is coming this Friday, and I can’t wait. What do you think the author is trying to tell you about antique shopping?
What is the Main idea? Aunt Kim likes to play games. Antique toys are worth a lot of money. Antique shopping can even be fun for kids.
Antique shopping can even be fun for kids. The correct answer is: Antique shopping can even be fun for kids.
Supporting details The supporting details are the things that describe the main idea. These supporting details make the main idea stronger.
All of the things that were highlighted are the supporting details. Whenever Aunt Kim comes for a visit, we have to go antique shopping. I used to think it was boring, but then I realized it was really fun. While Aunt Kim looks at quilts and old jewelry, I explore the antique toys. I like to imagine what life was like in the old days. Aunt Kim is coming this Friday, and I can’t wait.