Thanks for My name is Patricia Villarrubia and I am one of the co-authors of the new Policy Brief produced by GRID-Arendal on Controlling Transboundary Trade in Scrap Plastic Waste. In this presentation I will like to introduce you to ....
When plastic is properly managed, recycling contributes minimizing resource pressures and reducing the plastic leakages into the environment. And, there are no doubts that recycling is fundamental to pursuing a circular economy. Up until now, at most 9% of all plastics ever produced have been recycled. Importantly, plastic recycling depends on transboundary movement. However, while developed nations may boast of high plastic collection and recycling rates, the reality is often different, as not all the plastic that we put daily in the recycling bins is actually recycled. Actually, many of the plastic scraps produced in developed countries like European countries, and US which are formally registered as ́recycled ́ by developed nations is commonly exported to emerging economies where they will go through a series of processes like sorting, processing and recycling. Thus, there are many Flaws in the Current Global Recycling Model, which maybe be promoted by many factors that promote an inadequate waste recycling.
The trade nexus were established between developed countries and emerging economies. In 2017 China and Hong Kong were the top importers of plastic scrap. Approximately, 60% of the scrap plastic generated by the G7. While neighbouring countries shared the other 40%, In 2018 after Chinas import restrictions, the scrap plastic trade dramatically changed the flows. It resonated in the South Asian region.
In 2018, when the Chinese import restrictions entered into force, most of the plastic scrap that was previously destined to China, was diverted and to neighbouring countries. Malaysia became the top imported country . For example, Thailand increased the imports by 220 times approximately.
In 2018, when the Chinese import restrictions entered into force, most of the plastic scrap that was previously destined to China, was diverted and to neighbouring countries. Malaysia became the top imported country . For example, Thailand increased the imports by 220 times approximately. Recycling facilities in destination countries are often located short distances from large trade hubs mostly situated on riverbanks and coastal low lands. Consequently, leakage of plastics waste and processing residues and chemicals into freshwater and marine environments is particularly concerning. At this point it is undeniable that “we have sufficient information and evidence to conclude that the present transboundary plastic movement causes serious environmental problems. Better control over transboundary movement of scrap plastic streams is critical to addressing pollution issues including marine plastic litter
Global plastic production has steadily increased to almost 350 million tonnes per year in 2017, growing three times faster than the global gross domestic product. The trade is a complex picture where different actors are involved. During the life cycle of plastic there are environmental and health implications in each of the recycling stages. Developed countries remain the top plastic waste generators, In these countries the mismanagemnt of waste in relatively small. The trade is common with the region.
As costs are significantly lower in emerging economies, the develop countries benefit of this situation. In 2018, Europe exported about 1.18 million tonnes of plastic scrap to Asian countries, worth more than 267 million euros
Due to the complexity of the topic and the still reaiming information gaps, this graphic doesn’t show the full reality. For example, we know that countries with no big harbors aren't direct importers, but still they are an end destination, with Thailand also being a middleman to Myammar for example). Maybe, the pannel can illucidate this matter later on.
In this counties, informal scrap plastic recyclers are business run by families that process teh scraps in their own propierties using very low technology This is one of the reason why performance levels are low, with high negative impacts on the environment. For example in this facilities produce elevated heat, noise and emissions to air, soil and water. This informal settlement carry out the sorting, cleaning, processing, melting and pelleting recycled plastic, for which they will burn of plastic, not only as a way of getting rid off the unwanted plastic but also to ingnite the machinerary to carry out their activities. The combustion of plastic is commonly carry out in open air, or semi- open rooms in which the toxic fumes and airborne pollutants are concentrated and inhaled by workers without any protective equipment. This poses great risks to their health and welfare. The impacts of the fumes of burning plastic releases chemicals into the air, causing short and long-term health problems that will need visits to the doctor and the purchase of mecidines which highly inceases subtantially household costs.