A. Ippolito(1), C. Cesaroni(1) and L. Spogli(1,2)  


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Presentation transcript:

Variation of Total Electron Contents (TECs) during the last solar minimum in Rome A. Ippolito(1), C. Cesaroni(1) and L. Spogli(1,2)   1. Istituto Nazionale di geofisica e Vulcanologia, Via di Vigna Murata 605, Rome, ITALY 2. SpacEarth Technology, Via di Vigna Murata 605, Rome, ITALY

The last solar minimum (2007-2009) has been considered to identify anomalous behaviours of Total Electron Content (TECs) variations To the scope, calibrated vertical TEC (vTEC) data, recorded every 15 minutes from the GNSS receiver of the Rome station, have been studied. background value monthly median vTEC calibrated data vTEC Anomaly vTEC variation > ± 2σ over the background level

Quiet and disturbed periods defined by geomagnetic indices ap and AE ap (nT) Level Geomagnetic Activity 0- 32 G0 Quiet 39-56 G1 Minor Storm 67-94 G2 Moderate Storm 111-154 G3 Strong Storm 179-300 G4 Severe Storm 400 G5 Extreme Storm Quiet and disturbed periods defined by geomagnetic indices ap and AE ap index value of the at the time when the anomaly is detected and for the previous 24 hours. AE value up to 6 hours before the occurrence of the anomaly.   G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 AE>100nT QUIET (G0 AE<100nT) 2007 Neg 4 1 Pos 14 41 7 2008 2 3 6 10 44 2009 49 17

No data, for the deep solar minimum, in the levels G3 – G4 and G5. Characterization of the observed vTEC anomalies with respect to the related geomagnetic conditions Higher number of positive ionospheric anomalies respect to negative ones The number of positive vTEC anomalies, as well as the percentage, is greater in 2009 No data, for the deep solar minimum, in the levels G3 – G4 and G5. Acknowledgments: This work has been supported by LIMADOU-Science project and SAFE project.