Dad's Boot 爸爸的靴子 选自《多维阅读第2级》.


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Presentation transcript:

Dad's Boot 爸爸的靴子 选自《多维阅读第2级》

Prediction 预测 boot

Can you choose the best title for this book? What…? Whose…? Can you choose the best title for this book? ` A. Dad’s Boot B. Baby’s Boot

First-reading: View and order 看图排序 Who…? Where…? 2 1 7

6 2 1 5 3 4 7

Second-reading: View and answer 看图回答 snail What is Baby looking under? What is Baby looking for? A B C leaf

bug What is Baby looking under? What is Baby looking for? A B C rock

worm What is Baby looking under? What is Baby looking for? log A B C

How does Dad feel? Why? Dad is pleased. Because he finds his boot.

1. What do you think might happen when Dad puts on his boot? His foot might be hurt.

1. What's wrong with Dad? He feels sick of the snail, bug and worm and his foot is hurt.

1. Where is the boot now? 2. How does Baby feel? The boot is in the tree. Baby feels happy.

Third-reading tea wait 1. Put your finger on the words that tell you where Baby looked. 2. Put your finger on the word that tells you what Baby put into the boot. tea wait

cock 1. Find the words that tell you where Baby looked. 2. Point to the word “bug”. Can you read? cock

work 1. Find the words that tell you where Baby looked. 2. What did Baby put into the boot? work

1. What is Baby saying? 2. What is Dad saying? Make a circle with your fingers around the speech marks.

1. Which word says put?

1. What is Dad saying? 2. How will you read these words? Why?

Where is the boot now? How do you know?

Flashcards Game 卡片游戏 sn ai l b u g w or m

Retell the story 复述故事 Put away your things. lost his boot Baby looked under the leaf/rock/log took out Dad's boot put on the boot hurt his foot The snail/ bug/worm went in the boot. Put away your things.

Act out the story 表演故事 Story teller (旁白) Dad Baby Student 1 Student 2 Level 1 Act out the story. Level 2 Add more dialogues.

What else might go in the boot? Think and say 想一想,说一说 What else might go in the boot?

Other insects in the garden. Good to know 科普知识 Other insects in the garden. ladybird butterfly ants dragonfly ... bee mantis frog

What do you think of Dad and Baby? Why? Think and say 想一想,说一说 What do you think of Dad and Baby? Why? naughty smart clever careless thoughtless

What would you do if you were in the same situation? Think and say 想一想,说一说 What would you do if you were in the same situation? Put away the things! (保管好自己的东西!) Think before you act! (三思而后行!)

Think and say 想一想,说一说 What do you learn from the story? 1. New words 2. New sentences 3. A way of doing things (做事的方法) 4. Popular science knowledge(科普知识)
