Prevalence of recent physical violence perpetrated by teachers, other authority figures and other adults against boys in the past 12 months. Estimates are children’s self-reported exposure. Prevalence of recent physical violence perpetrated by teachers, other authority figures and other adults against boys in the past 12 months. Estimates are children’s self-reported exposure. Definitions are provided in online supplementary annex 3. To read the forest plot: for each year of age, perpetrator, data source and country are described along the y-axis. Along the x-axis, prevalence estimates from each are represented by a dot, with a bar drawn through to represent the 95% CI. GSS, Good Schools Study; VACS, Violence Against Children Surveys. Karen Devries et al. bmjpo 2018;2:e000180 © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.