PeopleSoft 9.2
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Request for Login You will not be automatically setup in PS Financials Your department must submit a PeopleSoft Financials Security Access Request Form requesting your access The Security Form is available on the PeopleSoft Website
Where To Login? The PeopleSoft Financials Icon to login is on the PAWS Portal page under Applications & Tools. Your User ID and password for PeopleSoft Financials will be the same as your NET ID and Password. This is the same as your SoftServ login. When you change your password, then your PeopleSoft Financials password will change as well.
Can’t Login? Type in your Net ID and password. If you get a message that your account has been disable, then call: Tina: 706-721-0018 Help Desk : 706-721-4000
If password is expired To rest password Navigate to a web browser and type To rest password
Web browsers Internet Explorer does not work well with requisitions. Versions 11or higher is working with requisitions. Mozilla Firefox works with any modules in PeopleSoft. Goggle Chrome works with any modules in PeopleSoft. (Please clear cache on your internet browsers when trying to login to PeopleSoft as a good practice)
Controller’s division Balance budgets How run reports, cancelled, requisitions, setup desktop How to do a check request, travel authorization, employee travel information Finding CFC information, department Id information, fund code, class, and account information.
PeopleSoft Tips When you need to change or update your department approver email for a form or visit the Controller’s Division website. When you transfer to another department your PeopleSoft security is removed until we get another security form with your new department. Email to get a form or visit the Controller’s Division website. . The % (percent sign) is considered a wild card in PeopleSoft meaning when you use this symbol to run a report you are requesting everything in that criteria. When you are an approver for requisitions and you are going to be gone for an extended period of time you can have your requisitions rerouted to another approver while your gone. (please note this person must also have access to approve requisitions) email with name and dates you need your approvals rerouted.. When you get an error make a screen shot of the error message and email the error to and give a detail message in what you trying access when the error occurred.
Personalizing Homepage & Preferences
PeopleSoft Home Page Home Your PeopleSoft screen will look like this when you first log into PeopleSoft. Notice the small tool bar in the right corner. Global Search Action List Nav Bar
Personalizing Homepage Click on the action list dots to get to the Personalize Homepage This options allows you to setup multiple homepages based on your specific job.
Personalizing Homepage To change the name My Homepage click in the My Homepage box and rename it. Then click save in the right corner.
Removing titles off homepage To remove a tile on your home page you would click on the red circle x. Then click save in the right corner.
Preferences Clicking on the sideways triangle besides Navigation Personalization you will able to change tab settings and other options.
Main Menu & Desktop setup
Main Menu 1.Clicking on Navigator will allow you to see menu options. 2. This option will help you make icon on your desktop
Setting up Desktop common menu options If you need access to Requisitions Click Nav Bar Click eProcurement menu option Click Requisition (for creating requisitions) Manage Requisitions (for canceling, edit, review approvals, print requisitions) If you need access to Query Information Click Nav Bar Click Reporting Tools menu option Click Query Select either Query Manager or Query Viewer (depends on what your department has assigned to you) If you need access to Supplier Information Click Nav Bar Click Supplier menu option Click Supplier 360 If you need access to Budget Reconciling Reports Click Nav Bar Click Commitment Control menu option Click Budget Reports Select either Budget Transactions Detail or Budget Status If you need access to Purchasing Information Click Nav Bar Click Purchasing menu option Click Requisition Click Review Requisition Information Documents Status
New Window Option
Setting up My Favorites
If You Need Help Financial Information Systems and Reporting Problem resolution and general questions Requisition Workflow Approvals and Security forms Department ID creation/editing & Authorized Signature forms -- email to our area