No GOAL is too high where falcon’s fly Welcome Falcons! My name is Ms.Fernandez and today we are going to get you ready to fly. No GOAL is too high where falcon’s fly Intro Video:
FSA: 411 You will take two 90minute sessions You can not complete both session on the same day, so you test on two separate days. Testing sessions will be broken into groups 7:30 (Start time) 9:30 (Start time) 11:30 (Start time) *You will have lunch before starting this session* The FSA assessment is completed on a computer. You already took the FSA writing test…the testing style for the FSA reading test is very similar.
The day of the test, you should expect… To report to your testing site. (Know your testing location BEFORE you test) Ask your English teachers for your dates/locations The proctor will need to check your ID to verify who you are (Be prepared) Your testing Proctor will take attendance Review rules (No electronics, No cheating, etc.) The proctor will then assign you to a computer. You will receive a Testing Ticket (same as the writing ticket) You will then log onto the computer You will then login via the FSA testing icon. Everyday and every testing location will have a session ID you need to input with your individualized login information. Now you are ready…
Ok I logged in…now what Look over all your information Double check your testing ticket, does it have all the correct information??? Make sure when you login in all your personal information matches as well. Your proctor will go over this Your username will be the same as the writing FSA test. EVERYONE will receive a new session number the day of testing.
Starting the test Once you log in, you have to pick ELA Reading Then you are ready to take the test IMPORTANT TIPS: Take a deep breath before you start reading the passages. Tell yourself “I got this” Believe in yourself and the skills your teachers have taught you. Now you are ready.
Sample test questions Style of questions Basic (Read the passage and answer a related question) Editing Task/Choice Hot Text Drag-and-Drop Hot Text Multi select Evidence-Based Selected Response Graphic Response Item Display Multimedia
How do I answer these questions??? Part 1 Editing Task Choice clicks a highlighted word or phrase, which reveals a drop-down menu containing options for correcting an error as well as the highlighted word or phrase as it is shown in the sentence to indicate that no correction is needed. Then selects the correct word or phrase from the drop-down menu.
How do I answer these questions??? Part 2 Editing Task Clicks on a highlighted word or phrase that may be incorrect, which reveals a text box. The directions in the text box directs you to replace the highlighted word or phrase with the correct word or phrase. Similar to Editing Tack choice. Read the text box carefully. Hot Text Selectable Hot Text: Excerpted sentences from the text are presented in this item type. When you hover over certain words, phrases, or sentences, the options is highlighted. This indicates that the text is selectable (“hot”). Then click on an option to select it. Drag-and-Drop Hot Text - Certain words, phrases, or sentences may be designated “draggable” in this item type. When you hover over these areas, the text highlights. You can then click on the option, hold down the mouse button, and drag it to a graphic organizer or other format.
How do I answer these questions??? Part 3 Open Response Use the keyboard to enter a response into a text field. These items can usually be answered in a sentence or two. GET to the point do not write a novel!!!! Ivg f Multi select Select ALL of the correct answers from a number of options. These items are different from multiple-choice items, which allow you to select only one correct answer. Evidence-Based Selected Response (EBSR) Typically: Part A is multiple choice, whereas Part B may be either multiple-choice or multi select. Part A often asks to make an analysis or an inference, and Part B requires you to, use the text to support the answer in Part A.
How do I answer these questions??? Part 4 Graphic Response Item Display (GRID) In a GRID item, you might select words, phrases, or images and use the drag-and-drop feature to place them into a graphic organizer or other format. Multimedia Technology-enhanced content may include multimedia elements such as audio clips, slideshows, or animations. Multimedia elements may appear within passages (stimuli) or test items.
Extra tips Review the test Musical mood I know you heard this a hundred times….so do it! Go to bed early (goal 10pm) Eat breakfast Bring a jacket Believe in yourself