TS-R-1 Secretariat Proposals Presentation 4.3
Issues Transport of patients in an emergency Exemption value harmonization with BSS ICAO Issue on notification of appropriate people
Transport of patients in an emergency Current text Radioactive material implanted or incorporated into a person or live animal for diagnosis or treatment A person with accidental intake is not exempt IAEA, on occasions, arranges for transport of such people
Transport of patients in an emergency Discussion with ICAO, IATA, IFALPA and IAEA IEC Proposed text Transport of a living person for urgent medical treatment, where the person has been subject to accidental intake of radioactive material. Need for urgent medical treatment (i.e. potential for survival) creates an automatic limit on quantity Guidance on contamination control would be appropriate
Exemption values in BSS Para 403 allowed calculation of A1 and A2 values for radionuclides not listed After inclusion of the two new columns for exemption values this was extended to all radionuclide values TS-R-1 limits this to radionuclides NOT in the Table BSS permits alternative exemption values for radionuclides included in the table
Exemption values in BSS Proposal TS-R-1 should adopt the BSS criteria by reference for all radionuclides Question Multilateral approval is appropriate for new A1 A2 values – given the exemption values are much lower than the excepted package levels should this be unilateral approval?
ICAO Issue ICAO raised an issue with para 309, but were unable to attend the previous meeting to discuss. Following ICAO, IATA, IFLAPA IAEA discussions the issue has been clarified The paragraph only requires notification of the consignor. Should this be extended to cover the carrier in the case of 309 (a) (ii)?