VCE - Victorian Certificate of Education July 23rd 2019
Overview VCE Scaling Considerations VCAA Study Design SAC Subject Selection Uni Accelerate Subjects on offer in 2020
What is the Victorian Certificate of Education? Certificate that recognises a student’s successful completion of Secondary Education in Victoria Recognised around the world and provides pathways to further study at University, Technical and Further Education (TAFE) and employment VCE is usually completed over 2 years, but may be undertaken over 3 years. To graduate with the VCE, students must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 16 units, although 20 to 24 units is generally the norm Regardless of how many units are completed, students must satisfactorily complete four units from the English group in order to graduate
Choosing VCE Subjects? It is vital students research the VCE subject areas and choose subjects that best suit their strengths and skills. Care needs to be taken when selecting subjects because a change in your subjects can be very difficult if not impossible. Students should be encouraged to carry out plenty of investigation by talking to teachers and the Careers Advisor at their campus
Choosing VCE Subjects - Year 12 Students undertake 5 subjects in Year 12 - Unit 3 and 4. All students complete English, Literature or English Language and must have at least 4 other Unit 3 and 4 sequences. For students on a pathway that requires an ATAR, calculation is based on Unit 3&4 studies and block credit VET subjects only.
Satisfactory Completion of VCE To satisfactorily complete VCE students must complete 16 VCE units. Conditions: English – students must satisfactorily complete 3 units (a student must be enrolled in a unit 3/4 English sequence ) Plus a minimum of 3 other unit 3/4 sequences to a satisfactory level. At St Peter’s College we expect all students to complete an English and 4 extra subjects.
10% of 5th (and possible 6th) What is the ATAR? Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (formerly ENTER and TER) Not a score, but a ranking system that shows a student’s achievement in relation to other students The calculation of the ATAR - next 3 best English study score 10% of 5th (and possible 6th) = ATAR
Maximising the ATAR? To maximise the chances of achieving the best possible ATAR score Complete as many full sequences of subjects as possible – units 1-4 Pick subjects students are good at and enjoy. Consider studying a Unit 3/4 subject in year 11, if students can cope with the workload. They should consider this if they are planning further study at tertiary level.
Scaling scores in VCE Students should choose studies they like or are good at without worrying about their ATAR. Scaling is not always well understood and many students believe that to achieve their best possible ATAR they need to choose studies that are scaled up. This is not true and may even work against you.
Considerations when selecting subjects University Prerequisites; use VTAC website Future career Your child's interests and what they enjoy Units studied in Year 11 (to continue or not to continue) Advice given at the Futures Expo by THE RIGHT PEOPLE
Things NOT to Consider when selecting subjects When your child is selecting their elective subjects, encourage them not to consider the following: What my friend has chosen Who the teacher is Scaling of subjects “I’ve been told…” by someone who has no clue
Who is VCAA? Independent statutory body directly responsible to the Minister for Education, serving both government and non-government schools Mission: To provide high quality curriculum, assessment and reporting that promotes individual lifelong learning Develops courses that enable VCE students to acquire skills and knowledge in a wide range of subjects
What is a study design? Curriculum planning document that outlines the units to be undertaken within a particular subject Within each unit, the outcomes are specified that are to be taught, which is broken down into Key Knowledge (what you must know) and key skills (what you need to do) To gain a satisfactory for the outcome and the unit, you must ‘satisfy’ what the outcome is asking of you Satisfactory grades should be awarded before the SACs are conducted Study designs can be found on the VCAA website
What is a SAC? School Assessed Coursework Different for each study; this information can be found in the study design Assesses student understanding of key knowledge and key skills SACs contribute to your study score, along with the end of year examination
VCE Subject Selection What does a Year 12 VCE Program at St. Peter’s College looks like? Unit 3/4 English OR Literature Unit 3/4 ______ For accelerated students: Unit 3/4 ______ OR Uni Accelerate Unit 2 Religion
Uni Accelerate - another option available Uni Accelerate is a distinctive VCE extension studies program offering high-achieving students university-level learning opportunities, in which students complete two units of a first-year university subject at the same time as your Year 12 studies, one each semester. Students will obtain the same benefits as studying a fifth or sixth VCE subject, while gaining university credit and reducing the cost of your future degree at the selected University. When students successfully complete the Accelerate program, they'll achieve between three and five increment points to be added to their ATAR aggregate. Offered online at: Monash University Deakin University Federation University Others (Check with Mrs Cardamone)
Unit 3/4 Subjects on offer in 2020 Religion and Society Health and Human Development Physical Education Food Studies Applied Computing Product Design Systems Engineering Art Studio Art Visual Communication Drama Dance Media Literature VET Sport and Rec VET Hospitality VET Engineering English English Language Mathematics - Further, Methods and Specialist Biology Physics Psychology Chemistry Legal Studies History Geography Accounting Business Management Global Politics Economics VET Music VET Information, Digital Media and Technology
What can I do now? Encourage your child to: Read the student handbook (accessed via the careers page on School Box) Talk to their subject teachers Look at the prerequisites on VTAC website Talk to the Senior Years Curriculum Leader or the Careers & VET Coordinator if they are still unsure Enter in subject preferences by August 2nd.
VCAL at St. Peter’s Cranbourne Futures - Parent Information
THE VCAL PROGRAM - MONDAY, TUESDAY & THURSDAY - WEDNESDAYS / FRIDAY – VET & STRUCTURED WORKPLACE LEARNING (SWL) Year 10 VCAL (Foundation) RE Literacy Numeracy PDS -Personal Development Skills WRS - Work Related Skills Certificate II – Public Safety – Firefighting Operations - Magenta Year 11 VCAL (Intermediate) RE Literacy Numeracy (Numeracy / VCE General Maths) PDS WRS Certificate II – Outdoor Recreation - IVET Year 12 VCAL (Senior) RE Literacy Numeracy (Numeracy / VCE Further Maths ) PDS WRS Certificate II – Business - IVET
VET COURSES IN VCAL Y11 Certificate II – Outdoor Recreation IVET Y10 Certificate II – Public Safety – Firefighting Operations Magenta Y11 Certificate II – Outdoor Recreation IVET Mountain Biking Bushwalking Snorkelling Orienteering etc Y12 Certificate II – Business IVET $20 Boss Coffee Cart
VCAL PROJECTS Harmony Day Anzac Day $20 Boss St Agatha's Edible Garden St Thomas Wicked Garden Beds SPC Tree Planting/Garden Beds/Shed/Painting Shipping containers St Thomas Benches Building Coffee Cart St Agatha’s Chook Shed Building Children’s Toys Catering Project Phillip Island Penguin Boxes RU OK? Colour Run Footy Colours Day SPC Athletics and Swim Carnival BBQ
VCAL STUDENTS Are: Are not: Non motivated students Poor communicators Introverted Lack of direction Are: Work minded students – have an intended pathway Hands on / Kinaesthetic learners Outgoing / Can work as part of a group Self motivated / proactive Independent Good Communicators / possible leadership potential
VCAL PREREQUISITES Possibly have a defined Pathway / Interest Willingness / Understanding of heading into Industry Prepared to complete a VET course or traineeship