Fabrics! Uses and Properties
Different types of fabric…
Where are fabrics made? Top 10 producers of fabric around the world: Europe People’s Republic of China USA South Korea India Turkey Japan Pakistan United Arab Emirates Indonesia
Knitted Bonded Woven
Selvedge, Bias & Grain… Selvedge is the name for the finished edge of a piece of fabric. The selvedge keeps the fabric from unravelling or fraying. Often the designer or company that made the fabric is printed along the selvedge. The grain of a fabric is the way in which it is woven or knitted together. If you look very closely at a piece of fabric, you will be able to see the threads. The threads that run parallel and perpendicular to the selvedge are the grain of the fabric. And finally, the bias is the diagonal grain of the fabric…. Cutting something on the bias, will make your fabric have more stretch.
Choosing a Fabric… Does the fabric need to be hardwearing? A fabric must be chosen on which properties make the fabric best for the job, whether it is for clothing, sportswear, accessories or interiors. Some questions to consider when choosing a fabric are… Does the fabric need to be hardwearing? Does the fabric need to be cool or warm to wear? Will the fabric need to offer protection from wind or rain?