Saints Damien & Marianne of Moloka’i Catholic Military Community Hawaii Second Sunday of Easter 28 April 2019 Community Contact Information Catholic Priests: Father Joe Fleury: Father Jason Dechenne: Hawaii Integrated Religious Support Team: 1-808-655-1444 24 Hour On Call USAG Hawaii Chaplain: 1-808-656-3272 Catholic Community Website: Catholic Pastoral Life Coordinator: Tracey Harger: Chapel Community Keepers: AMR: Tracey Harger: MPC: Jessica Campoverde: Religious Education: DRE: Lauren Brown: MPC REC: Ute Eble: Catholic Women of the Chapel: AMR: Sarah Goodman: MPC: Jessica Campoverde: Natural Family Planning : Ms. Teresa Lewis, RN, NFP Certified 1-808-224-2765 Knights Of Columbus: AMR: Jason Goodman: MPC: Tony Morales: Pacific House of Mission (Youth Ministry): AMR Jeff Reid: MPC Kaylyn Reynolds: Sacramental records: To request records please contact the AMS at “You believe in me, Thomas, because you have seen me, says the Lord; blessed are those who have not seen me, but still believe!” Find us on Facebook: Saints Damien and Marianne of Moloka’i AMR Catholic Community Schofield Barracks Catholic Community - Main Post Chapel Sts. Damien & Marianne of Moloka’i CWOC AMR Hawaii Schofield Barracks CWOC
Community Announcements Sacraments Sunday Mass: 0830 at Aliamanu Military Reservation Chapel (AMR) 1100 at Main Post Chapel, Schofield Barracks (MPC) Child care is available during Sunday Mass and Religious Education. Reconciliation: Reconciliation is available at AMR Sundays before Mass by Father Larry. There will be Reconciliation on 2nd and 4th Sundays after Mass by the presiding priest at MPC in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Please contact Fathers Joe or Jason via email if you wish for an appointment. Marriage: Please contact Father Joe or Jason at least six months prior to anticipated date of wedding. Mandatory Pre-Cana classes are required. Baptism: Bi-monthly celebrations. Preparation class required. Please RSVP for class. Baptisms are not celebrated during Lent. Next MPC Baptism Class: 28 May at 1830 Next AMR Baptism: 5 May during Mass Next MPC Baptism: 16 June at 1200 Much love and mahalo to Michelle Harris for her leadership in our Catholic Community these past two years and to her family as they prepare to move to Alabama. Please know you will be in all our prayers, just like we have been in yours. “For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love you have demonstrated for his name by having served and continuing to serve the holy ones.” Hebrews 6:10 MPC CWOC would like to invite to all the women of the chapel to join us on Wednesdays from 0930-1130 in room D9. Children are welcome, and childcare is provided at no charge. This week we will be continuing our faith study. For more information and to follow current CWOC happenings, please see our Facebook page: Schofield Barracks CWOC. AMR CWOC has many women with differing vocations in all seasons of life brought together by our shared faith. Please join us for food, fellowship, and study. We meet at the chapel Thursday mornings at 9 am or Thursday evenings at 7 pm to accommodate different schedules. Our morning meeting has child care available at no charge. More information on Facebook page, "Sts. Damien & Marianne of Moloka'i CWOC AMR Hawaii“. AMR Men’s Bible Study will meet on 4 May at 0730 in the activity room. All men are welcome to join for breakfast and faith formation! Pacific Club has a mission for adults who have a passion for working with teens. Our students would especially benefit from having Catholic voices speaking into their lives. If this describes you, please contact Kaylyn Reynolds at MPC or Jeff Reid at AMR to see how to get connected. Life Teen holds regular meetings on the 1st and 3rd Saturday at 1815 after the Saturday Mass at Prince of Peace Catholic Community on JBPHH. Please email Patrick Pottinger with any questions at Upcoming Designated Offerings will be to 26 May to Society of Mary, 2 June and 7 July to the AMS. There will be a Men’s ACT Retreat 22-25 August and our community will pay for your registration fee! These weekends are for spiritual renewal and to learn how to apply your faith to every day life! Please contact Jonathan Holm at for more information. The next World Wide Marriage Encounter weekends are 24-26 May and 30 Aug-1 Sep at the St. Anthony Retreat Center. WWME is faithful to the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching and will help you grow in a deeper relationship within your marriage. Please make your reservation at or call 808-373-0890. Thank you for your continued support of our catholic programs. Please make offering checks out to CTOF. Community Announcements Religious Education Religious Education for this school year will run through 19 May 2019. Classes are held weekly from 0945-1045 with various holidays and long weekends off. Any adult interested in learning more about the faith is welcome to join the Parent Faith Formation class once a month on Sunday at 0945. The last day is 05/05. Our program is "The Mass" by Word on Fire/Bishop Barron. For questions about the Religious Education program, please contact Ute Eble. Her email is on the back of the bulletin. We are planning our RE program for next year. Please let us know now if you are able to be a catechist for next year. We are making decisions based on numbers for next year, so it is really important that we have a commitment. Family Night will be held on Tuesdays at 1730 AMR. AMR Catholic Programs nights are 14 May. Mass will be celebrated at 1700 at AMR Family Night. Family Night will be held on Wednesdays at 1800 at MPC. Family Night programs will include dinner followed by religious education curriculum and methods that will allow your family to explore and practice your faith together in as a family. If you have questions or if you are interested in helping organize this or supporting one of the stations, please contact Ute Eble at MPC or Katie Camero at AMR. Confirmation will be held on 10 May 2019 at MPC. First Communion is at both chapels on 19 May 2019. VBS is 18-21 June 2019 from 0900-1200 at AMR, MPC, HMR and WAAF.