Maluhia (Peace)
Declaration of Independence In this new utopian society, we are all about peace and caring for others. We like our privacy and personal space, but we believe that helping and caring for one another is most important.
Motto and Seal Peace and blessings… P e a c e a n d b l e s s i n g s
The symbol for the Maluhia society is an elephant because they represent peace.
Rules Privacy and personal space is to be respected. When people have conflicts with each other, they will be handled in a civil, peaceful, and mature manner. There will be less drama and ongoing conflicts. If a person is closing in on someone else’s personal space, they will be fined. An invasion of privacy will also result in a fine due to the way our society views the importance of privacy. As the children of the society become 13 they are to be seen and treated as adults. This includes court trials. Schools are to allow 3 (excused) mental health days to students in order to keep them healthy for the utmost learning experience. People under the age of 18 are not permitted to work past 11:00pm during the school year. Every business is required to have restrooms available to the public. Trespassing results in jail time. Elephants are sacred and may not be hunted.
Democratic Government Our government is very closely related to the one America, although more of the power is held with the people. Whoever is voted into presidency is decided strictly by the people (no electoral votes). All people will vote on laws, therefore there will be less conflict between the population and government. The government is less invasive of people’s private lives and devices.
Dear family members, I invite you to come to the new Maluhia society. We are very welcoming and peaceful people. We promote mental and physical health, and work together to become better, more well-rounded people. We are very respectful of each and everyone’s privacy because it is sacred in our society. We try to avoid conflict. If conflict does arise, we work in a civil manner to resolve it without fighting. We believe that our relationships with the people surrounding us are very important, so we work to keep them in good standing. ~The Maluhia Society
Holidays Christmas - We celebrate Christmas because the majority of the people are Christians. Day of Peace - This society is built around the peace between the citizens. Health Month - Our society believes that mental and physical health are the most important aspect of life, therefore they are celebrated and promoted. Labor Day - Our labor day is a celebration of those who work very hard. It is a day of rest because of those who are overworked. Community Day - Community day is a day where the community gets together to promote unity.
Children & Education High schools are set up using block scheduling, causing students to choose the classes that they need and allowing them to be more independent with their schedules. The main expectation of children in this society is to work their hardest in school in order to create the best future for themselves. Children and young adults are greatly encouraged to become involved in their community and helping people around them.
Physical Structure Cities do have tall buildings, but they are focused on fresh air, fields, and plants. All houses have their own yard and private spaces. The farther away the houses get from the city, the farther away they get from each other. The people that live in the cities will live in smaller houses and apartment buildings. The people will live in their own separate places, but they will work together to better the community and help whoever is in need.