European environmental bureau Christian Schaible Industrial Production Policy Manager
INTRO ‘Burning: The Evidence’ Report EEB study on how (selected) Member States make information on industrial activities publicly available Examines how various websites are used to share permitting and other environmental information Relates to provisions under the EU’s Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) Public launch and Interactive maps to follow soon on
Scope Focus was not release data but availability of key documents (e.g. permits, inspection reports, compliance reports / monitoring data) Assessment of user-friendliness of the database (e.g. search functions) and public participation options Common ranking criteria were used, sampling was focused on Large Combustion Plants only
FINDINGS Topical issue: general setup (portals) National level portals or with detailed links to regional permitting information Irish / Bulgarian model recognised as best search function, French and Walloon (Belgium) also ranks highly Irish most powerful tool (RSS feeds), enabling advanced notice before decisions taken, also DK
FINDINGS Topical issue: Permits Almost half of countries did not provide permits online! provide consolidated version of permits allow text search within the permits Need IED Electronic Permit Template (EPT) for reporting purposes (e.g. ELV and averaging periods indicated for EU-level PRTR to automatically extract datafields)
FINDINGS Topical issue: inspection reports No harmonised approach (even within same countries) Requirement of publication within 4 months after site visit not met IRL, NO, Walloon (BE) best practice. Also French region (PACA) Minimal expectations: inspection date, issues checked, proposed actions at draft and decision stage, exchange with operator and follow up
FINDINGS Topical issue: compliance / performance reports Operator required to report on compliance annually against permit conditions, documentations missing Soil pollution (baseline) or remediation reports missing IRL, IT, NO, LV good, IT on emissions monitoring data NORWEGIAN PRTR good basis: plant-specific page with latest consolidated permit, inspection/compliance reports, release data combined with flow rates on air/water, production outputs data, permit emission limits in release graphs continuous monitoring results to be made available (US EPA Air Markets Programme, Chinese real time monitoring Apps)
Links to national portals Available in the report... ! Interactive maps and launch soon… check
EEA DATA use (LCP work) Example 1: LCP (coal) work PRTR data (average 2010-2012) used for EEB / Greenpeace May 2015 report, impact pathways ExternE +CBA CAFé method, health impact valuation EEA(2014) Purpose: influence the discussions on BAT-determination
EEA DATA use (LCP work) Example 2: LCP (coal) work PRTR data used for joint NGO publication “Lifting Europe’s Dark cloud” report
EEA DATA use (LCP work) Example 3: LCP (coal) work E.g.2 LCP-D data used for September 2017 Study on LCP BREF implementation for Germany (coal) – Focus on NOx and mercury- Purpose: show emission reduction potential by applying BAT
“QUICK FIX” E-PRTR (taken from ‘Burning: the evidence report’ Copy Norwegian PRTR system (essential data missing) latest consolidated permit inspection/compliance reports release data combined with flow rates on air/water production outputs data permit emission limits in release graphs
“QUICK FIX” LCP-D Solutions Upgrade user-friendliness (search criteria) Fuel type search (split solids Lignite/Hardcoal, liquid, gaseous) sector type search CHP yes/no? operating regime (baseload/mid-merit/peak etc legal status (various derogations now offered by IED)
“QUICK FIX” LCP-D Solutions (taken from ‘Burning: the evidence report’ Complement data entries Concentration levels (automatic calculations Emission reduction potential under BREF compliance scenari? External health costs valuation (EEA methods) Integrate ENTSO-E electricity outputs data display any permit review information allow direct reporting of CEM data (uploads of excel files)
Thank you! @Green_Europe @EuropeanEnvironmentalBureau The EEB gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the LIFE Programme of the European Union. This communication reflects the organizers’ views and does not commit the donors.