Launch And Information Session Monday, October 1st 2012
What is WURJHNS? STUDENT RUN A journal created and run by Western students for Western undergraduate students and their research PEER REVIEWED All articles are reviewed by trained students and Faculty members to ensure scientific integrity in everything published OPEN ACCESS The WURJHNS is available online and open to anyone and can be found at
WURJHNS Goals Encourage undergraduate research Provide opportunities for students to showcase research Assist students in finding placement opportunities Assist students with undergraduate publication process
Peer Review Process Submit your article Revise and Resubmit Publish Manuscript submission to Editors-in-Chief Associate Editors Undergraduate and Graduate Reviewers Faculty Reviewers Rejected unanimously Academic misconduct Editorial Board Decision Production Manager: Publish, Revise and Resubmit, or Reject Revise and Resubmit Publish Reject Article
Is your article eligible? We Accept: Original Research Articles Review Articles Students in the Field Course work (Original Research) Articles from Biology, Chemistry, Medical Sciences and Health Sciences
Example of Published Article
Why Submit? Gain Publication Experience Disseminate Your Research Globally Open-Access Publication Recognized by Faculty Members and Research Community Good Addition to Your CV When Applying to Graduate/Professional School WURJHNS accepts articles on a rolling submission basis
Testimonial from Author “The WURJHNS provides an extremely valuable resource for undergrad students. We were exposed to the submission process for publication, as well as the review process, revisions, and responding to reviewers. This experience has not only helped my work as a graduate student but also strengthened my curriculum vitae and scholarship application.” -Chantelle Nielson
Research Placement Workshop November 2012 What will I learn? When and how to contact a Supervisor (ie. a Professor) How to create a cover letter and resume Typical responsibilities of an Undergraduate Research Student What a research position can do for you
Getting Involved! First Year Representatives Workshop: Applications due October 12th Sign-up list after the presentation Workshop: November 2012 Application for next years executive March/April 2013
SUBMIT! We look forward to receiving your articles! For more info: Website – Facebook – Twitter – Email –
Thank you!