ELAC March 6, 2019 환영 مرحب Welcome! Bienvenue ¡Bienvenidos! ਸਵਾਗਤ ਹੈ આપનું સ્વાગત છે ¡Bienvenidos! مرحب ELAC March 6, 2019 ਸਵਾਗਤ ਹੈ 환영 Bienvenue
Approve the Minutes
I, ______, motion that we approve the minutes from the December 5, 2019 ELAC meeting. Only the ELAC rep from a school can make a motion, second a motion, and vote.
I, ______, second the motion.
Adopt the agenda
I, ______, move that we adopt the agenda. Only the ELAC rep from a school can make a motion, second a motion, and vote.
I, ______, second the motion.
Call to Order
New Business
ELPAC UPDATE ELPAC Prep February 19-22, 2019 February 26- march 1, 2019
Reclassification Criteria English Language Proficiency = ELPAC 3 or 4 Teacher Evaluation = ELA Grade of C or Better & GPA 2.0 or Higher Teacher Recommendation Basic Skills = District Writing Prompt 3 or 4 & SBAC Proficiency
Support of ELs with Multiple Ds and Fs Letter Sent and Posted on Website
Single School Plan for STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT
School Goal: YLHS ELs will maintain 33% or above Fluent English Proficient reclassification rate.
Action Steps: 1. Provide extended learning opportunities and tutoring for English Language Learners
b) writing as formative assessment (School-Wide Focus) Action Steps: 3.2 Teachers will receive training to support the needs of English Learners in their classrooms including: 1. Designated ELD (training and implementation of english 3D curriculum) 2. Integrated ELD (training and implementation of study sync curriculum) 3. Instructional strategies to support ELs including but not limited to: a) speaking and listening strategies (Kate Kinsella Five for All) (April 8, 2019) b) writing as formative assessment (School-Wide Focus) c) equitable questioning strategies (April 8, 2019) d) differentiation (School-Wide Focus) e) Gradual Release of Responsibility Framework for English Learners (2019-on) f) Scaffolds and supports for English Learners (School-Wide Focus) 4. English Learner Push-In Support Personnel (Mrs. Gigliotti) 5. Technology to support student engagement (School-Wide Focus)
#2 #4 #3 COMMUNICATION #1 (2018-19) #5 (2018-19) for ALL! PYLUSD Dr. Kate Kinsella's Instructional Norms to Accelerate Academic Language Setting Up Lesson Tasks *Structuring Accountable Interactions Modeling Academic Register Teaching Language Assigning Listening Tasks #1 (2018-19) #2 #4 #3 #5 (2018-19) COMMUNICATION
ELD Curriculum
WASC Action Plan Parent Meeting March 17th at 4:00pm
Annoucements DELAC Mar. 11, May 6
Items from the floor questions/comments
Thank You for Coming Next meeting Wednesday, May 15, 2019 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.