Carlo Mol, VITO (Belgium)


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Presentation transcript:

Carlo Mol, VITO (Belgium) INTERACTION WORKSHOP EXPERTS – SHOWCASES E-HARBOURS “Presentation of external examples of pilot projects on e-mobility” Carlo Mol, VITO (Belgium)

Outline Why ? Driving forces for electrification of transport How ? Role of the stakeholders involved Demonstration activities in Belgium Charging infrastructure Vehicle deployment Demonstration projects -> Prepare roll-out on large scale Demonstration activities in Europe Questions

Short Introduction VITO Mission : As independent and customer-oriented research organization, VITO (± 600 employees) provides innovative technological solutions as well as scientifically based advice and support in order to stimulate sustainable development and reinforce the economic and social fabric of Flanders. Active in Sustainable Technologies in the field of : Energy Smart grids & integration of (PH)EV’s Batteries & Ultracapacitors Environment Materials Remote sensing More information :

Why ? Driving forces for electrification of transport

Why ? Driving forces for electrification of transport Economical : fuel cost reduction, … Ecological : reduce global and local impact (urban traffic) on the environment Technical : performance, comfort, … Legislation : emission standards, … Government : oil independency, strategic energy plans (EU Renewable Energy Directive), …

Ecoscore Validation ( ) Several systems exists to define the environmental friendliness of vehicles, including fuel type, CO2 emission level or homologation legislation (e.g., EURO-4). However, these approaches are not sufficient to describe the complete impact on the environment. For this reason, VITO and other partners -including the Vrije Universiteit Brussel- have developed the Ecoscore methodology. With this methodology, climate change counts for 50% in the final score, health effects for 20%, impact on ecosystems for 20%, and noise for 10%. The pollutants considered are CO2, CH4, N2O, CO, NMVOS, PM10, NOX, and SO2. The environmental evaluation permits the combination of different effects in one indicator. The methodology is based on a well-to-wheel analysis. The Belgian government is evaluating how this methodology could be incorporated in the regulations, but at this point is is being used as an objective information source to compare the environmental friendliness of different vehicles. More information can be found at : This database is managed by VITO by order of the Flemish, the Brussels Capital and the Walloon Region. The data in this database are provided by Febiac and the Registration Services of the Federal Mobility Administration (DIV). VITO is not responsible for the completeness nor correctness of the data published in this database. The database has an informative role only,

How ? Synergies between sectors Huge challenges on energy supply & energy efficiency in all sectors Look for integrated solutions ! E-mobility + Smart Grids (RES) + EE Buildings + …

How ? Involvement of all stakeholders Transport concepts : urban planning, multi-modal transport (walk, bike, public transport, shared car, private car), … Electric vehicles & components : improvement of energy-efficiency of components & systems inside the vehicles, … Infrastructure for electric vehicles : standardisation of plugs, communication protocols grid-vehicle, roaming and billing concepts, control algorithms for optimal coordinated charging with minimal impact on grid and maximum use of renewable sources, … Political framework : supportive actions on legislation, incentives, … to stimulate the investments in renewable energy and infrastructure for electrified transport Renewable energy sources,Intelligent houses, energy effciency electricity/gas/heat/cold, ….

Outline Why ? Driving forces for electrification of transport How ? Role of the stakeholders involved Demonstration activities in Belgium Charging infrastructure Vehicle deployment Demonstration projects -> Prepare roll-out on large scale Demonstration activities in Europe Conclusions

How ? Policies for Vehicle Demonstration & Deployment in Belgium No official “action plan electric mobility” for Belgium published (yet) no numbers on expected EV & charging infrastructure Visions, studies and efforts (on federal and regional level) ongoing to support the transition of the local automotive industry to “green, clean and safe” taskforce automotive since 2005, studies on “car and factory of the future”, BBL study, VIM study, … broader government vision statements like “Flanders in Action” : breakthrough projects on “green and dynamic urban region” : smart cities = intelligent energy networks + housing + e-mobility Most R&D&D funding schemes in Belgium are bottom-up and not thematical oriented One specific call for “Living Labs” on e-mobility begin 2011 !!! Open issues : Who does what (governments vs industry) ? Huge investments are needed on charging infrastructure, EV’s, … Which business models are economicaly viable ?

Initiatives on charging infrastructure A lot of (new) players on the market

Initiatives on charging infrastructure New ideas under development : on conductive & inductive charging (CED project)

Initiatives on charging infrastructure Up to now private initiatives @ companies, parking spots and some public charging spots Call for living labs in Flanders will give a boost to demonstration of new technologies (20 m€)

Initiatives on vehicle deployment First trials in small numbers started : OEM activities : Other EVs on the road :

Initiatives on vehicle deployment Don’t forget heavy-duty vehicles First demo’s in very small numbers started

Demonstration Projects Belgium @ Home level : LINEAR @ Parking level : SPARC @ Public level : Call for Living Labs 2011 : Platforms to demonstrate following aspects : Mobility Automotive Energy Demonstration of new technologies but also new business & service models Role of (new) stakeholders Regulation : barriers, … User acceptance …

Demonstration Projects Linear : Breakthrough project: Smart energy supply in Flanders Local Intelligent Networks and Energy Active Regions Large demonstration & deployment project on smart grids – smart homes, which also includes an e-mobility part Budget 40 m€, funding 10 m€, 5 years project, started in 2009 Collaborative Innovation project with Flemish Industrial and academic partners

Demonstration Projects Linear : Breakthrough project: Smart energy supply in Flanders Fieldtest with minimum 200 up to 1000 houses where “demand side management” will be demonstrated on a residential and district level, the flexibility of electric vehicles is also of high interest in this project, the exact fleet number of electric vehicles incorporated in the field test is not yet know

SPARC Services Smart  Intelligent algorithms and architecture Plugin Automobiles  OEM independent PHEVs Renewable  Optimize Green Energy Charging  Charge while parked (parking+home) Services  Integrated with key car services (car parking, car leasing)

Project Scope Proof-of- Concept Context Business Models User studies Integration of nearby renewable energy sources Load shaping for parallel charging scenarios LEASE Smart Power Grid Key Vehicle Services Charge Anywhere Car/Driver authentication Accurate, fraud-sensitive invoicing Scalable to mass market Proof-of- Concept Home Large Car Parkings Charging Station Electrical Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

Project Scope Electrical Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Challenges Many interested market players, No clear (profitable) business models User preferences, behavior Define novel algrithms that create optimized value for grid operator, optimize renewable energy Scalability? Load shaping? Location of intelligence? LEASE Smart Power Grid Open service architecture Authentication: car versus driver? Algorithms to detect fraude Scalability? Key Vehicle Services Home Large Car Parkings Charging Station Electrical Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

SPARC Partners

Demonstration Projects EIT – KIC – InnoEnergy EIT – KIC : aim is closing the knowledge triangle “education-research-innovation” and make sure that research results gets valorized quicker in Europe VITO is part of the Energy related KIC (InnoEnergy) within the co-location BeNeLux, our focus is “smart cities” which integrates energy efficient buildings, smart grids and electric transport in a city environment First research project related to vehicles within co-location BeNeLux = EVCity “Business & services models to support the roll-out of electric vehicles in cities”

Platforms for information exchange Belgian platforms Flanders’ DRIVE, Agoria Automotive, Federauto, AVERE/ASBE, … VSGP : Flemish Smart Grids Platform Grouping the Flemish industry to demonstrate new technologies in the domain of smart grids VITO is leading the working group “Grid Connected Vehicles” which deals with the infrastructure needed for charging the P(H)EVs and which is at the moment preparing different demonstration & deployment projects IEA – IA – Hybrid & Electric Vehicles VITO is representative of Belgium in the ExCo meetings and is also Operating Agent of the Annex “Heavy-duty hybrid vehicles” Very good example of collaboration between USA and EU

Outline Why ? Driving forces for electrification of transport How ? Role of the stakeholders involved Demonstration activities in Belgium Charging infrastructure Vehicle deployment Demonstration projects -> Prepare roll-out on large scale Demonstration activities in Europe Conclusions

Demonstration activities in Europe LOTS OF EUROPEAN PILOT PROJECTS !!!

Demonstration activities in Europe G4V “Grid 4 Vehicles” MERGE “Mobile Energy Resources in Grids of Electricity” Green eMotion “Development of an European Framework for Electromobility” …

Demonstration activities in Europe Green eMotion “Development of an European Framework for Electromobility”

Demonstration activities in Europe G4V : “Grid 4 Vehicles” ( Analysis of the impact and possibilities of a mass introduction of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles on the electricity networks in Europe

Demonstration activities in Europe MERGE : “Mobile Energy Resources in Grids of Electricity”

Demonstration activities in Europe MERGE : “Mobile Energy Resources in Grids of Electricity” : Deliverable 1.1   Specification for an Enabling Smart Technology   Deliverable 1.2  Extend Concepts of MG by Identifying Several EV Smart Control Approaches to be embedded in the Smart Grid Concept to manage EV individually or in Clusters Deliverable 1.3  Controls and EV Aggregation for Virtual Power Plants Deliverable 2.1 Modelling Electric Storage devices for Electric Vehicles Deliverable 2.2 Functional Specification for tools to assess steady state and dynamic behavior impacts, impact on electricity markets and impact of high penetration of EV on the reserve levels Deliverable 2.4 Functional specification for estimating additional investments in distribution networks with high penetration of Electric Vehicles Deliverable 5.1 New actors and business models for the intergation of EV in power systems Deliverable 6.1 Proceedings of joint meeting with G4V consortium

Thank you for your attention CONTACT INFORMATION Carlo Mol VITO Boeretang 200, 2400 Mol (Belgium) Tel : +32 14 33 58 85 Fax : +32 14 32 11 85 Email : URL :