The idea of developing an integrated Fleet Management solution has been inspired during the long association of Axsys with classification society and offshore owners /operators. Participation of Axsys in their projects helped to understand the various requirements of maintenance and management activities of a fleet. Specification of the product has been conceived in line of those requirements and the WIDE OCEAN suite is developed as an ultimate Fleet Management solution comprising maintenance and management solution for Structure, Machinery and Crew etc. checked
Structural Maintenance Machinery Maintenance Crew Management is a Fleet Management System for Owners/Operators to maintain the structural components, the machinery and the management of the crew of a fleet of marine assets such as ships and offshore structures. The system is a multi-user, modular, enterprise application that covers the principle aspects of asset’s operation and provides a comprehensive data repository that caters to systematically tracking the condition of the asset. The Wide Ocean suite has the following major modules: Structural Maintenance Machinery Maintenance Crew Management Quality, Health, Safety, Environment checked
The Structural Maintenance application is an Asset Integrity Management System meant for the Owners/Operators to maintain the structural components of their marine assets like ships and offshore structures. It provides a comprehensive data repository where data related to the geometry of structures and properties are stored. Condition data in the form of Inspection findings, Gaugings, Anode findings, anomalies etc can be stored and tracked throughout the life cycle of the asset. A 3D model of the asset is created based on as-built drawings and displayed in application which enables users to view information related to the structures. The 3D model helps the users to store inspection information, gauging readings and record anomaly data to the exact locations of the structures. checked
Campaign Creation, Survey Planning & Tracking Inspection of Critical Areas and Recording of Critical Area Findings Creation of Gauging Scope and Recording Gauging Readings Identification of Substantially Corroded areas via Lists and Colour Maps Generation of Life Graphs for structures Recording Anomalies/Damage in 3D by Graphical Area Mark Up Planning of Anomaly/Damage for its closure by graphical area mark up Generation of Bill of Material for structural Repairs Anomaly Closure/Resolution Recording Inspection General Findings and compartment scoring Assessment of Coating Condition and generation of work scope for Coating Repairs checked
Recording Leg Condition data for Jack up rigs Recording Pitting condition Assessment of Anode conditions and Recording Anode Findings Section Modulus and Steel Weight Calculator Calculation of Coating Surface Area and Volume of Paint Extensive reports supporting all functions 3D definition and rendering of the asset structure. 3D viewing of structure within a compartment Predefined stiffener library to international standards Fully customizable stiffener, bracket and tube shape library AutoCAD based modeling operation with sophisticated checking tools. Model geometry in XML format for easy portability Navigation of 3D model and display of structural properties checked
Viewing the Asset as a whole General Navigation Viewing the Asset as a whole checked
Viewing compartment wise General Navigation Viewing compartment wise checked
General Navigation Structural Information On selecting a structural component (plate, stiffener, bracket or tube) it’s Material, Rule Thickness, As-Built Thickness, Gauged Thickness Allowable Corrosion, Profile sectional geometry, Bracket geometry , Tube dimension etc. are displayed in the information window. A life prediction calculator provides the remaining life of the component checked
Plate Information checked
General Navigation Property Color Map generation Color maps based on the material, scantlings, corrosion etc provides a very good understanding of the structural arrangement. checked
Property Color Map - Plate thickness checked
General Navigation View Grid System An integrated Grid System information is stored for each model. It can be turned on to view for location reference on any structure. It has an automatic selection of grids within the extent of the rendered structure. checked
Transverse & Longitudinal Reference Grids checked
General Navigation Critical area markup Critical areas of a vessel can be marked up by a geometrical area mark up tool. Information on the criticality is attached with the markup to facilitate inspection process. Color & Transparency setting for better graphical viewing. checked
Walk-Thru By traversing the model the user is able see the critical areas, anomaly areas, substantially corroded areas. (RIGHT CLICK ON THE MOVIE & PLAY) (Need Adobe Flash Player)
Dolphin - Gauging checked
Plan Gauging & Work Pack generation Gauge Plan creation by picking points on respective structure Export Gauge Plan Work Pack in excel & graphical file to facilitate on-board thickness measurement process. On-board gauging readings can be recorded into the system by importing the excel file duly filled with the gauging readings. checked
Creation of Gauge Plan checked
Exported graphical file of Gauge Plan work pack checked
Exported spreadsheet of Gauge Plan work pack checked
Gauging Insert & Edit Gauging Gauged thicknesses can also be entered manually The gauged point changes color automatically as defined in the corrosion criteria setting. Individual gauged thickness readings can be edited. checked
View of a gauged compartment checked
Substantial Corrosion List & Color map Gauging Substantial Corrosion List & Color map Based on the recorded gauging, substantially corroded areas can be displayed checked
Substantial Corrosion color map – compartment checked
Substantial Corrosion Color Map checked
MARLIN & ORCA - Inspection checked
Inspection Planning & Tracking Inspection can be planned & tracked throughout the inspection life cycle. Inspection can be planned for compartment(s) and assigned to multiple users (surveyors). Assigned users can track their assignment and submit them duly filled with their various findings. An inspection can be tracked for it’s current status, audited for approval and finally closed. checked
Inspection Plan creation checked
Inspection Plan checked
Inspection Tracking - Status checked
Inspection Tracking - Status checked
Inspection General Findings The inspector can record their findings once the inspection of a compartment is commenced. Findings can be recorded through a general scoring process for coating, corrosion, pitting, grooving, deformation, fracture, anode, cleanliness etc. Scoring is done using pre-defined condition criteria levels. checked
Inspection General Findings - Entry checked
Inspection General Findings – Criteria Legends checked
Inspection Coating Assessment The coating condition for a compartment can be recorded An area calculation tool provides a convenient way to calculate the coating area A coating repair procedure can be planned and defined As a part of the repair procedure a coating manufacturer can be specified. Different coating systems applicable to the different compartment types can be pre-defined together with the paint manufacturers, product names and their prices. checked
Coating Assessment checked
Coating Assessment – Repair Procedure checked
Inspection Recording Anomaly An Anomaly identified during inspection can be recorded by creating a markup at the exact location of affected area. Various information of the Anomaly like Criteria of Inspection, location, incident type, defect descriptor etc. can be recorded along with the markup A risk based assessment in different category, like Environment, Financial, Health & Safety, can also be assessed. Based on the above information a repair plan can be defined. The repair plan generates a material list within the markup area. Checked
Anomaly - Markup checked
Anomaly – Recording Information checked
Anomaly – Risk Assessment checked
Steel Weight Calculator Utilities Steel Weight Calculator The user has the choice to calculate the steel weight of the entire vessel, a compartment or a structure. Steel weight results are displayed by the different structure types (i.e. Plate, Stiffener, Bracket, Tube) and by material. checked
Coating Area Calculator Utilities Coating Area Calculator The Coating Area Calculator can calculate coating area of a compartment or any structure within the compartment. Zonal area can also be calculated of the compartment or the structure The utility also calculates the Volume of Paint. checked
Coating Area Calculator checked
Section modulus Calculator Utilities Section modulus Calculator The Section Modulus Calculator calculates the section modulus at any transverse section along the length of a vessel Section Modulus can be calculated based on as-built & gauged thickness separately to compare the change due to decreased thicknesses. A graphical view of the respective section labeled with thicknesses helps to understand the structural location. checked
Section Modulus Calculator Why are there two slides and can’t we show the results after diminution
Statistics A list comprising of all historical data / findings recorded into the system can be generated at any time within this utility. The list can be generated for entire vessel or a particular compartment or a particular structure. It can be generated for all survey campaigns or a particular survey campaign. checked
Statistics checked
Sub-Part Life Graph A life graph generated for any structure (Plate, Stiffener, Bracket, Tube) based on nominal corrosion rate and historical gauging results provides a very good estimate of the remaining life of the component. The graphs are generated based on linear or quadratic algorithms checked
Sub-Part Life Graph - Plate checked
Diminution Graph A statistical graph can be generated for entire vessel, a compartment or a particular structure to determine the overall diminution due to corrosion. Calculation for this graph is based on ‘% of total nos. of thickness measurement’ vs ‘% of allowable reduction’ checked
Diminution Graph Checked – but I would like to see a smoother graph and this is achievable by having more gauging points on the hull part
Reports A wide range of reports can be generated from the system Reports can be generated for all the compartments, individual compartments as well as for individual structures Reports can be saved in different formats like PDF, DOC, XLS etc. checked
Sample Report – Anode Findings checked
Sample Report – Anomaly Register checked
Sample Report – Area Condition checked
Sample Report – Coating Assessment checked
Sample Report – Critical Area checked
Sample Report – Critical Area Finding checked
Sample Report – Inspection checked
Sample Report – Leg Condition checked
Sample Report – Substantial Corrosion checked
Sample Report – Plate Gauging checked
Sample Report – Stiffener Gauging checked
Sample Report – Pitting Record Summary checked
Sample Report – Repair Plan Summary / Bill of Material checked
Wide Advantages The software enables accurate tracking of the health of the asset facilitating superior management of corroded structures and repairs which increases the life span of the asset and also reduces the dry docking requirements, increasing the productive days. The 3D model reduces the necessity of referring to hard copy drawings, thereby saving valuable man hours. The software facilitates transparency in the inspection and maintenance process. This provides for superior management control. Better cost estimate and control over the gauging contractors through generation of gauging scope of work. Significant reduction in cost through minimizing wastage in Paint. The software allows accurate calculation of coating surface area and paint volumes using the 3D model. Significant cost reduction through accurate calculation of the steel weight for repairs using the geometry of the 3D mark up on the model, thereby reducing steel wastage significantly.