Read more STRIDE BP - Accurate BP Monitors The STRIDE BP is an international scientific non-profit organization founded by hypertension experts with the mission to improve the accuracy of blood pressure measurement and hypertension diagnosis globally. It is officially supported by the European Society of Hypertension, the International Society of Hypertension, and the World Hypertension League. The STRIDE BP website ( provides lists of accurate devices for Office, Home and Ambulatory blood pressure measurement … Read more (see next page)
more . The STRIDE BP is an international scientific non-profit organization that provides guidance on the methodology and technology for accurate blood pressure evaluation and is officially supported by the European Society of Hypertension, the International Society of Hypertension, and the World Hypertension League. As a first step STRIDE BP provides detailed information on accurate blood pressure measuring devices, by listing these that have fulfilled the validation criteria of established international protocols and by selecting these which are ‘preferred’ according to certain criteria. Devices’ lists can be downloaded from the STRIDE BP website for Office, Home and Ambulatory use for Adults, Children and Pregnant women. The STRIDE BP is currently working to develop practice tools and accredited online education on blood pressure measurement methods and hypertension diagnosis. For more information visit the STRIDE BP website at