4th Q, wk. # 9 May 20-24, 2019
7th per. Choices for earning formative grade (5/20): Hang any extra lights Cover desks around bar with black paper Put tablecloth on food table Make paper lanterns (Kaley can tell you how) Blow up and hang balloons Some of your grade will be helping with clean-up on Tuesday afternoon, since you are the last party (washing boards, throwing away paper, taking down lights)
Possible text evidence sources: 1) Your notes on the 1920’s (if there is no circle beside it)—state section of notes and attach any notes you refer to as text evidence 2) The powerpoints on my website page—state name of PowerPoint and the slide # with the evidence 3) Your own research on a reliable website—give name of website and URL address 4) Book—give p.# after you state the quote The first part of the question asks you to name what you will wear or do that is based on text evidence The second part asks you to state the evidence and the source
Welcome May 21st Gatsby Party
Remediation Wed – Fri., 5/22-24 You will receive back the Character Analysis Essay from this quarter with your grade If you would like to remediate and improve the essay, sit in the desks that face my desk and you may work on it as the rest of us watch the movie. For any remediation (help in understanding), come to my desk individually. You MUST use only class time and lunch time these three days to write, and all work must be submitted during class on Friday. All essays must be returned to the tray each day in order for you to continue any rewriting. If you do not want to remediate for the essay and/or the alternative summative for the Gatsby Party, sit in the chairs facing the screen and you can watch the Gatsby movie these three days.
Remediation Wed – Fri., 5/22-24 (Hon) You will receive back the Character Analysis Essay and the Rhetorical Analysis essay from this quarter with your grade If you would like to remediate and improve either essay, sit in the desks that face my desk and you may work on it as the rest of us watch the movie. For any remediation (help in understanding), come to my desk individually. You MUST use only class time and lunch time these three days to write, and all work must be submitted during class on Friday. All essays must be returned to the tray each day in order for you to continue any rewriting. If you do not want to remediate for the essay and/or the alternative summative for the Gatsby Party, sit in the chairs facing the screen and you can watch the Gatsby movie these three days.