The Canon of the New Testament What Books Belong in the Bible? Robert C. Newman
The Term “Canon” Derived from the Greek “Kanon” Our interest here: Early meaning – a measuring rod Later meanings: A standard by which something is judged A list Our interest here: The list of books that belong in the Bible
Various Views on the Extent of the Canon Traditional Protestant View OT – 39 books Matching the traditional Jewish view NT – 27 books Matching the traditional Christian view
Various Views on the Extent of the Canon Larger Canons: Roman Catholics and Greek Orthodox add books to the Old Testament The Apocrypha Mormons accept three additional collections besides the Bible: Book of Mormon Doctrines & Covenants Pearl of Great Price
Various Views on the Extent of the Canon Smaller Canons: Marcion – c150 AD Only Luke & 10 Letters of Paul Swedenborgians NT – only 4 Gospels & Revelation OT – only 29 books Theological Liberalism A canon within the canon
Divergent Views on the Basis of Canon Recognition by a church council Old books are canonical Valuable books are canonical Books which agree with previous revelation God-inspired books are canonical
The Recognition of Canon The importance of time-perspective Information is lost with the passage of time. So later people have less information on which to make a judgment. An important distinction exists between recognition soon after writing and long after writing.
Recognition of a Work Recently Written How recognize inspiration? Use arbitrary principles? Use God-given principles? God-given tests for inspiration: Connection with supernatural phenomena Connection with earlier inspired books Agreement with earlier inspired books
A Bible Survey of the Application of These Tests Mosaic period Old covenant established Prophetic period Old covenant developed Ministry of Christ New covenant established Ministry of Apostles New covenant developed
Connection with Supernatural Mosaic period Moses gives signs to Pharoah & Israel Plagues, exodus, Sinai Prophetic period Prophets attested by miracles & short-term prophecies Ministry of Christ Miracles, short-term prophecy Ministry of Apostles
Connection with Earlier Revelation Moses Rescue predicted to Abraham (Gen 15:13) Prophets Prophets predicted by Moses (Deut 18) Christ Predicted by prophets (e.g., Isa 53) Apostles Chosen by Jesus
Agreement with Earlier Revelation Cannot contradict See Deut 13:1-3 – no other gods See Acts 17:11 – responsibility to test See Gal 1:8-9 – no other gospel Can explain and clarify Otherwise, why more revelation? Looks like book of Revelation designed to close the canon.
Recognition of a Work Written Long Ago We cannot easily re-do what was done long ago. We suggest the following as a check that the Bible is what it claims to be: Christian evidences point to Christ and to salvation through Him. Christ endorses the Bible: OT explicitly NT implicitly
Recognition of a Work Written Long Ago Canonicity then reduces to two historical questions: What writings had Palestinian Jews come to recognize as Scripture at Jesus’ time? OT canon What Christian writings did Christians come to recognize as Scripture in the few centuries after Jesus’ time? NT canon
Old Testament Canon We pass the buck to our OT professors Vannoy, Putnam But see my paper “The Council of Jamnia and the OT Canon” Westminster Theological Journal (Spr 76) IBRI website ( IBRI Research Report #13
New Testament Canon Stimuli to recognize NT Scripture NT evidence for preparation & recognition of Scripture Indications of recognition in: The Apostolic Fathers (95-130 AD) Early Heretical Writers (before 150) Late 2nd Century (to 200) Towards formal recognition (to 400)
Stimuli to Recognize Scripture Need for revelation Problem of persecution Priorities of translation Threat of heresy
New Testament Evidence Selection of materials for inclusion Protection from error Public reading in the churches Circulation among the churches Collection Quotation as authoritative
New Testament Evidence Quotation as authoritative: 2 Peter 3:15-16 – “Distort Paul’s letters as they do the rest of Scripture” 1 Timothy 5:18 – refers to OT and NT (Luke 10:7) under the heading “Scipture says.” Jude’s citation of 2 Peter 2 & 3 Concept of “Scripture” applied to NT by NT itself
Recognition in the Apostolic Fathers Many allusions to NT writings Three explicit references to NT as Scripture: 1 Clement 47 (c95) to 1 Corinthians Polycarp (c110) to Ephesians 4:26 Pseudo-Barnabas (c130) to Matthew 22:14
1 Clement 47 Take up the epistle of the blessed Paul the Apostle. What wrote he first unto you in the beginning of the Gospel? Of a truth he charged in the Spirit concerning himself and Cephas and Apollos, because that even then you made factions.
Polycarp to Philippians 12 For I am persuaded that you are well-trained in the sacred writings, and nothing is hidden from you. But to myself this is not granted, only, as it is said in these scriptures, ‘Be ye angry and sin not,’ and ‘Let not the sun set on your wrath’ [Eph 4:26]
Pseudo-Barnabas 4 Very allegorical In an exhortation, the author quotes Matthew 22:14 “many called, but few chosen,” under the heading, “As it is written.”
Recognition in the Early Heretical Writers Basilides Ophites Marcion Valentinus Summary They applied concept of Scripture to NT All Gospels but Mark, all Pauline epistles but Pastorals
Recognition in the Late Second Century Justin Martyr Irenaeus Muratorian Canon Tertullian Clement of Alexandria Some problem books: Hebrews Revelation
Towards Formal Recognition Origen Eusebius Athanasius Decisions of Church Councils: Synod of Laodicea Synod of Rome Synod of Hippo Synod of Carthage
Summary on Canon Final details seem to have been providential, as with OT Canon. The later scholars and councils seem to have made good use of historical information. Questions were raised for Hebrews, Revelation and a few of the shortest books. Category of Scripture applied to NT writings already in apostolic period. Nearly all the NT canon seen as authoritative in early 2nd century.
The End