Change your backoffice-password Tutorial In 2 ways 1.not use 2.use
Change your backoffice-password 1.not use
[FlexKom Homepage] touch: Coordinators
[FlexKom Homepage] touch: Backoffice Login
[Backoffice] enter: Partner-ID and Password
[Backoffice] enter: Partner-ID and Password touch: Login-Button
[Backoffice] touch: My Office
[Backoffice > My Office] touch: My Information
[Backoffice > My Office] touch: Change password
[Backoffice > My Office] enter: Current password, New password and Confirm new password
[Backoffice > My Office] enter: Current password, New password and Confirm new password touch Save - Button
Change your backoffice-password 1.not use 2.use
[FlexKom Homepage] touch: Coordinators
[FlexKom Homepage] touch: Backoffice Login
[Backoffice > Login] touch: Have you forgotten your password ? - Link
[Backoffice > Login] enter: Personal-ID
[Backoffice > Login] enter: Personal-ID touch: Request new password-Button
[Backoffice > Login] sent
FlexKom Change your backoffice-password
[ -Client] touch: - Link
[Backoffice > Login] enter: New Password and Confirm new password
[Backoffice > Login] enter: New Password and Confirm new password touch: Change password - Button
[Backoffice > Login] enter: Partner ID and Password touch: Login - Button
[Backoffice] Password changed succesfully