Fig. 1. Summary of linkage analysis and congenic strain Fig. 1. Summary of linkage analysis and congenic strain. A: representative logarithm of the odds (LOD) plots for proteinuria, albuminuria, blood pressure (week 8), and kidney pathology (week 16) from F1(S × SHR) × S population (n = 276) raised on 0.3% NaCl diet (8). The total length of rat chromosome 11 is 88 Mb ( The linkage map/LOD plot spans ∼78 Mb; ∼5 Mb on either side of 1st and last marker is not accounted for in the original linkage analysis. The horizontal dashed line at LOD = 1.9 is the threshold for suggestive significance, and the solid line at LOD = 3.3 is the threshold for significance. The open bar to the right represents the 95% confidence interval for the quantitative trait loci (QTL) at week 8. The solid bar represents the most probable location of the kidney injury QTL based on peak LOD plots from all time points (week 8, 12, and 16). B: S.SHR(11) congenic strain. The open bar represents the S genome. The black bar designates SHR genome. The open region on the end of the congenic segment represents the recombination interval. DOI: (10.1152/physiolgenomics.00015.2012)