To be able to form a line of argument in response to the question CW Exam Preparation Saturday, 14 September 2019Saturday, 14 September 2019 Learning Outcomes To be able to form a line of argument in response to the question To be able to write an effective introduction To be able to plan a new question
Section 2 Drama and poetry pre-1900 Section 1 and 2 carry equal marks so students are advised to spend 1 hour and 15 minutes on each section. Section 2 Drama and poetry pre-1900 Answer one question from this section. You should spend about 1 hour and 15 minutes on this section. There will always be six questions to choose from in this section and students must answer one. The first part of the question will be similarly worded each year. Or 10 ‘Forbidden tastes are sweetest.’ In the light of this view, consider ways in which writers explore the attraction of that which is forbidden. In your answer, compare one drama text and one poetry text from the above lists. [30] Assessment Objective weightings for this question: AO3 – 50% AO4 – 25% AO1 – 12.5% AO5 – 12.5% The rubric about comparing one drama text with one poetry text is fixed and will remain in place. This part of the question is variable and will change each year.
Read the model essay and highlight the Assessment Objectives. Example Question AO3 - context – 50% AO4 - comparing texts - 25% AO1 – knowledge & understanding / expression – 12.5% AO5 – other viewpoints – 12.5% ‘Forbidden tastes are sweetest.’ In the light of this view, consider ways in which writers explore the attraction of that which is forbidden. Read the model essay and highlight the Assessment Objectives.
Writing an Introduction “There is no such thing as a balanced union of two people” In light of this view, discuss ways in which Rossetti presents relationships between men and women” Line of argument: Writing during Victorian patriarchal times, Rossetti’s poetry reflects the double standards applied towards men and women, yet also challenges stereotype assumptions by suggesting that the power does not always belong to the male. Now develop this into a fuller introduction: Much of Christina Rossetti’s poetry explores female speakers and the relationships they have with men or God. Rossetti’s views on the gender questions were not straight forward; she believed that women should be well treated and respected but not equal politically. Her beliefs stem from the biblical understanding that woman comes from, and is therefore subject to, man. However, whilst her poetry reflects the double standards applied towards men and women, she also challenges stereotype assumptions by suggesting that the power does not always belong to the male. Now write your own Introduction
Plan… Presentation of assertive females Female within patriarchal society Shut Out Twice From The Antique Presentation of assertive females Maude Clare No Thank You John Winter my Secret Female power as subversive/sexual power Goblin Market Souer Louise Males as predators In an Artist’s Studio
“The more intense the passion, the more bitter its effects.” In the light of this view, consider ways in which Rossetti explores intense emotion. What does the quote ask you to argue? What would your line of argument be? Now plan your ideas What different readings could you include?
“Writers are fascinated by the conflict between doing as one should and doing as one shouldn’t” In the light of this comment, discuss how Rossetti presents morality. What does the quote ask you to argue? What would your line of argument be? Now plan your ideas What different readings could you include?
Plan… Being Shut Out Religious Devotion Earthly Pleasures Sisterhood Goblin Market Highgate Pen. Religious Devotion A Birthday Twice Didn’t marry them fellas Earthly Pleasures Sisterhood Maude Clare