Spanish-American War (1898) CAUSES EFFECTS US had a desire to expand (imperialism). Cuban rebellion against Spanish rule. The “yellow press.” Explosion sank the USS Maine battleship; 266 Americans killed; Spain is blamed. The DeLome letter. US defeated Spain in 4 months. Cuba became independent but the US controlled its government. Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines became US territories. The US is recognized as a world power.
Focus Question: In addition to the Spanish-American War, what other imperialist actions did the US take around 1900? DO NOW: What would be a good title for this cartoon? What does the cartoon suggest about the attitude of the U.S. towards imperialism?
“Well, I Hardly Know Which To Take First” At the turn of the century, the US was looking at several former Spanish and strategic islands to expand US influence to meet the nation’s growing demand for markets, resources and military (NAVAL) bases. “Well, I Hardly Know Which To Take First”
If there is time….
The U.S. took over and annexed Hawaii in 1898, without needing to use major military force. -Hawaii, the land of US Missionaries and Sugar Plantations… Wealthy white businessmen/ US Tariffs are killing Hawaiian business (Want to become US State) -American Wealthy convince Hawaiian King to limit vote to the wealthy; King dies- Daughter tries to reform, Wealthy overthrow Queen with support of US Marines -Asked immediately for Annexation…. Many Americans object- Imperialism, War with Spain solidifies support Annexed 1898
The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine Also known as “The Big Stick Policy” Teddy Roosevelt said that the US would be the “policeman” in the Western Hemisphere -L.A. carries huge debt, (Economic Imperialism) with Europe, Europe debates intervention to recoup losses -President Roosevelt declares the US as the Police of the Western Hemisphere, deny foreign powers the right to intervene. Use of Military deterence -LA we can police ourselves… Resentment -Taft= Dollar Diplomacy and intertwining of US business in the LA
The US should speak softly and carry a big stick.
-Panamanians revolt against the Colombian Gov’t, US supports with Naval presence and limited Marine involvement -Panama is given independence, US as a result is given the canal zone for 10 million, and $250,000 annually -Canal is created giving the US unequaled power over the Western Hemisphere… Reduces the travel time… business and Military advantage… Huge tolls.
Interventions in Latin America The “Big Stick” policy In addition to the Spanish-American War, what other imperialist actions did the US take around 1900? Interventions in Latin America The “Big Stick” policy Annexation of Hawaii Trade routes, military base Built the Panama Canal Trade, movement of military ships US controlled canal 1914-1999 Why did the U.S. do these things? What were its goals? O Natural resources/raw materials O Protect business investments abroad O New markets for products O Military bases O Control of trade routes