Steve Jobs This unit was created by the Louisiana Department of Education in partnership with LearnZillion. It includes approximately 36 days of instructional materials including classroom-ready materials, assessments, graphic organizers, and texts.
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Yesterday, We… Studied the legal history related to using the Bible as literature in public schools .. Read the story of David and Goliath Identified events in the story that showed how the plot unfolded Cited textual evidence to explain both David’s and Goliath’s ideas of success
A Quick Review… The U.S. Supreme Court heard a case entitled School District of Abington Township, Pennsylvania v. Schempp in: 1961 1963 1972 1980
Maryland West Virginia A Quick Review… School District of Abington Township, Pennsylvania v. Schempp combined two cases. One was from Pennsylvania. The other was from: .. Tennessee New York Maryland West Virginia
a violation of the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause. A Quick Review… The Supreme Court ruled that school-sponsored devotional Bible reading and reciting of The Lord’s Prayer ____was ____was not a violation of the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause. ..
A Quick Review… The Supreme Court also stated that teaching the Bible for its __________ and __________ qualities was not a violation of the First Amendment. .. literary historic
The young boy in the story was named A Quick Review… The young boy in the story was named … Saul David Goliath Jimmerious ..
Saul David Goliath Jimmerious The King in the story was named .. A Quick Review… The King in the story was named … Saul David Goliath Jimmerious ..
Saul David Goliath Jimmerious The giant in the story was named .. A Quick Review… The giant in the story was named … Saul David Goliath Jimmerious ..
A Quick Review… True or False ? … Saul was very arrogant. ..
David felt that he could win because he was stronger than Goliath. A Quick Review… True or False ? … David felt that he could win because he was stronger than Goliath. ..
Goliath died because he was hit in the stomach with a spear. A Quick Review… True or False ? … Goliath died because he was hit in the stomach with a spear.
Determine some of the themes of the story Today, We Will... Determine some of the themes of the story See how the theme is conveyed (shown) through the details
social THEME = the main __________ issue being addressed by the text Vocabulary Review… THEME = the main __________ issue being addressed by the text social
discrimination education religion poverty depression Race relations Vocabulary Review… What are some examples of social issues? discrimination education religion poverty depression Race relations Climate change Police brutality unemployment war Equal pay Opiod abuse safety
A social issue is something about which people feel very _________ Vocabulary Review… A social issue is something about which people feel very _________ strongly
A Good Example of THEME: In THE APOSTLE (1997), Sonny Dewey (played by Robert DeNiro) is the pastor of a local Pentecostal church. His wife Jessie (played by Farrah Fawcett) is also active in church leadership, but begins having a relationship with the youth minister. … When Sonny finds out about it, Jessie goes to the church board, tells many lies about Sonny, and convinces them to remove him as Pastor. They replace him with the youth minister. This is done in a very secret and underhanded way. Here is how he responds on the following Sunday.
A theme of this scene is: ___sincere worship A Good Example of THEME: A theme of this scene is: … ___sincere worship ___greed ___phoniness in church leadership ___various music styles in church There are two correct answers.
A Good Example of THEME: In TITANIC (1997), Jack Dawson (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) is a passenger on the Titanic who is in love with Rose Dewitt Bukater. (played by Kate Winslet). … However, she is rich and he is poor, and people do not marry outside of their social classes. Additionally, she is already engaged to another passenger on the ship. But he is not a nice person and does not truly cherish her. Here is one of the most famous scenes in movie history.
A theme of this scene is: ___finding true love A Good Example of THEME: A theme of this scene is: … ___finding true love ___boat safety ___taking in scenery ___going against what society says you must do .. There are two correct answers. Which of the two is MOST correct?
subject birds sentence New Vocabulary… TOPIC = a ____________ of conversation or writing. If we began discussing this, our topic would be _______. .. In writing, the topic of a paragraph is usually stated in the topic __________. birds sentence
What is the difference? subject message What about Why written Topic vs Theme… .. What is the difference? subject Topic is the __________ presented in your writing. Theme is the ________________ conveyed through your writing. .. TOPIC = ________ is the story _________? THEME = ________ was the story __________? message What about Why written
address social uses convincing opinion awareness Topic vs Theme… .. When theme is involved, the story is written to ______________ a certain ______________ issue. The writer simply _______ the topic as a way of ______________ people to believe his ___________ about the issue. OR…she may just be trying to bring _______________ to the issue. address social uses convincing opinion awareness
For Example… Titanic true love Topic vs Theme… .. For Example… In TITANIC, the movie writer used the topic (subject) of The ________ to address the theme (social issue) of finding _______ _______. Titanic true love forever
For Example… worship service greed Topic vs Theme… .. For Example… In THE APOSTLE, the movie writer used the topic (subject) of a _________ _________ to address the theme (social issue) of _______. worship service greed
Let’s Read David and Goliath again… Use your copy to follow along.
Let’s Discuss… What is this story mostly about? What do David and Saul discuss? What do David and Goliath discuss? Which actions seem to have significant meaning? Which words seem to have significant meaning?
Let’s Discuss… What is a topic (subject) that we see discussed in the story of David and Goliath? 20 What is a theme (social issue) that the writer uses that topic to address?
Let’s Learn… When we state the theme as a complete sentence, it is called a ______ _________. .. What are some possible theme statements about David and Goliath? theme statement
If you believe in yourself you can accomplish anything. Let’s Discuss… Possible Theme Statements: There is a consequence to arrogance. .. If you believe in yourself you can accomplish anything. .. Physical strength does not always win the battle.
Don’t overlook the underdog. .. Let’s Discuss… Possible Theme Statements: Don’t overlook the underdog. .. It can be dangerous to be overconfident. .. Faith in God can move mountains!
There is a consequence to arrogance. Let’s Learn… We must have _________ evidence to back up our theme statement. .. Find the textual evidence to support this theme statement: textual There is a consequence to arrogance.
Let’s Close… …