Welcome to KS2 SATs explained
Why? Help us compare how well a pupil is doing compared to their peers, both in this school and across the country. They can also measure how much each child improves from one Key Stage to another – their progress. Many secondary schools now use them as a baseline for GCSE predictions and initial setting.
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SAT tests will take place in the week beginning 13th May 2019. Monday: English grammar, punctuation and spelling (45 minutes + 20 minutes) Tuesday: Reading (60 minutes) Wednesday: Mathematics - Paper 1: Arithmetic (30 minutes) - Paper 2: Reasoning (40 minutes) Thursday: Mathematics - Paper 3: Reasoning (40 minutes)
Punctuation, Grammar and Spelling
Maths - Arithmetic
Maths Reasoning
• From 2016, test scores have been reported as ‘scaled scores’ • From 2016, test scores have been reported as ‘scaled scores’. So, what are ‘scaled scores’? • When test results are published, each pupil will receive: - A raw score for each test ; - A scaled score. This is derived from the raw score and ranges from 80 to 120 with 100 being the ‘national standard’; -Confirmation of whether or not they attained the national standard (scaled score of 100. ) • A child who achieves a score of 110 or above will be judged to have a greater depth of knowledge in the areas assessed by the tests.
All children have a personal target, this year they range from 86 to 113. The children know their targets and, this is, perhaps, more important than passing. In our preparation we do focus and celebrate this.
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