Stage: Second Year Middle School (2MS) Subject: English Time devoted: Learners: 2 hours and a half ( 2 hours + 1 hour tutorial session once per 2 weeks) Teacher: 4 hours per class Domains: Oral and written. GLOBAL COMPETENCE At the end of MS2, the learner will be able to interact, interpret and produce short oral and written messages / texts of descriptive, narrative and prescriptive type, using written, visual or oral support, in meaningful situations of communication related to his environment and interests. The learner can: - understand messages consisting of formulaic phrases and simple sentences related to frequently used expressions related to familiar topics or situations (personal, shopping, local places). - communicate limited information in simple every day and routine situations by using memorised phrases and formulaic language. -use selected simple structures correctly but still systematically produce basic errors
My seq map Learning situations Rubric F.W N◦of sessions Objectives Initial problem solving 1st Les ∕ TBL 1session Introducing the new seq topic Creating the desire of learning new language Installing resources(input) 2nd I listen and do PDP Naming &describing the body parts 3rd Identifying &recognizing illnesses and giving advice with should , shouldn′t. 4th I practise PPU(PIASP) Expressing obligation/prohibition: must/mustn’t. 5th I pronounce PIASP 1 session Pronunciation of should,shoudn’t , must and mustn’t.
Pronunciation of ch and sh : /t∫/,/∫/and /K/ Learning situations Rubric F.W N◦of sessions Objectives 6th I pronounce PIASP 1 session Pronunciation of ch and sh : /t∫/,/∫/and /K/ 7th I listen and do PDP Talking about healthy and unhealthy food (junk food) using imperatives. 8th I practice The imperatives : Aff .f & neg.f 9th Illnesses , medications and sports. 10th I read and do To read , understand, get information from a written message about healthy weekly diet plan. S of int : GW 11th I learn to integrate PDP(PEDRP) 2 sessions To be able to write an e-mail about doctor’sdietary advice and recommandations about food and exercises to solve the initial problem . Situation 4:IW 12th less I think & write. To be able to prepare a poster about a healthy balanced menu and practice of sports to stay healthy .
Learning situations Rubric F.W N◦of sessions Objectives Situation 4:IW 12th less I think & write. PDP 1 session To be able to prepare a poster about a healthy balanced menu and practice of sports to stay healthy . Assessment 13th lesson 1session (Test 01)To give lls chance to evaluate what had been mastered during lessons and switch the light on their weaknesses.(Test2) Remediation Tutorial sessions To remedy ll ′s weaknesses