CAse STudy – Update 2010 Metadata Management in Official Statistics in Germany METIS, Geneva, March 10-12, 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

CAse STudy – Update 2010 Metadata Management in Official Statistics in Germany METIS, Geneva, March 10-12, 2010

Content Situation in Germany Past Adoption of the GSBPM New classification server Progress on census metadata system Outlook Past Progress Future 12/03/2010

I. Situation in Germany Destatis (NSI) + Regional “Länder” Offices = “Verbund “ Small Metadata Unit at Destatis Working Group Started in 2007 Focus: Conceptual work Priority: Census 2011 Several isolated systems 12/03/2010

II. Adoption of GSBPM Internal working group to translate GSBPM Currently in the process of translating level 3 (descriptions) No changes in structure Involving subject matters statisticians Using Wiki-technology 12/03/2010

II. GSBPM in Use in the „Verbund“ Standardization of Production (SteP): SteP Guidelines Issuing an inventory of standard IT-tools plus guidelines on how to use them SteP Metadata collecting and reusing metadata along the process chain aim: “metadata portal” to look up metadata Quality working group Guidelines for the documentation of processes 12/03/2010

III. Classification Server Cooperation with Bavarian State Office for Statistics and Data Processing (IT-side) Advice from Statistics Norway Reference database for classifications Standard IT-tool for semi-automatic coding Sub-process 5.2 “classify and code” about 12/03/2010

III. Classification Server Neuchâtel Terminology, Part I CLASET-XML as import format Multilingual, allows n-language versions of one classification version Standard thesaurus as well as classification-specific thesauri Java + MySQL database Web-accessibility (conforms to German BITV-Standard) International standardization 12/03/2010

08.08.2019 Correspondence table Classification tree Search General information Home Site notice Login Selection: ISIC4 REF Number of hits: 21 / Display: 1 to 21 / Page 1 of 1 Search term: search 08.08.2019

08.08.2019 Home Site notice Login Selection: ISIC4 REF Correspondence table Classification tree Search General information Home Site notice Login Selection: ISIC4 REF Item view includes excludes Keywords 08.08.2019

IV. Census Metadata System 08.08.2019

IV. Census Metadata System Documents: Improving Census 2011 Document Management Variables: business specifications for variable server finished; based on Neuchâtel Part II/ISO11179 Data descriptions = in planning stage Questionnaires = not this time… 12/03/2010

V. Outlook Classification server will become operational GSBPM as cornerstone of strategy Census: decision on implementation Metadata: reorganization 12/03/2010

THank You for Your Attention! Edgar Jänsch Federal Statistical Office, Germany