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Come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before Jehovah our Maker. Psalm 95:6 Hymns Invitation Red Songbook - Supplemental
“What have you done?” Genesis 3:13 When Adam sinned, God had 2 choices: Utter destruction of humanity A plan of redemption God’s merciful effort is called GRACE
Understanding Grace Grace is God’s decision to view our sin Ezra 9:6-13 Is it conditional? Is it earned? How do we receive it?
Understanding Grace Luke 15:11-32 God allows us to leave
Understanding Grace Luke 15:11-32 Grace is the Father’s actions: He does NOT enter into the world I John 1 Grace is a lit road, NOT a spotlight
Understanding Grace Luke 15:11-32 Was it free (was it earned)? The son was not expected to earn Was it conditional? The son had to return
Understanding Grace Grace is God’s answer to our sin Grace is FREE and CONDITIONAL We pursue Grace; it does not pursue us
Obtaining Grace By hearing and believing: Romans 10:17 AND Confession of Faith: Acts 8:37 Turning from sin (Repentance): Luke 24:47 Baptism for salvation: 1 Peter 3:21