Particle reconstruction with MVD+STT Roman Dzhygadlo PANDA 2009 1
Geometry (pipe mvd stt)
Min energy which can be registered in ct region Magnetic field [T] R [cm] 90˚ 10˚ 0.5 18 3 1.0 35 6 1.5 53 9 2.0 70 12 1 GeV pion
Efficiency for proton lhetrack genfit
Efficiency for proton % 100 80 50
Resolution for proton lhetrack genfit Δp/p Δp/p
Anti Proton
Efficiency for lhetrack genfit
Resolution for lhetrack genfit Δp/p Δp/p
Efficiency, resolution for
example main decay Br % 1.116 7.89 64 phasespace
Distinguish and with armenteros-podolanski plot where are the longitudinal momentum of The - transfer momentum component of
example 1000 pars simulated → 350 fully reconstructed