Community Assessment Survey for NHMCCD The Marketing Council April 13, 2007
Overview: Select a professional research firm to help assess the level of awareness, attitudes, and perceptions of residents in order to design programs, services, communications that: Better serve community needs Improve enrollment Strengthen public confidence & support
Key Study Objectives: Understand what students, residents need in a community college Understand how well NHMCCD delivers against these needs Understand perceptions of NHMCCD relative to competition (more)
Key Study Objectives: Understand how needs and perceptions differ: By college service areas By student demographic profile By student education profile By resident demographic profile By resident education profile 5. Determine course offerings of most interest to residents
NHMCCD needs to learn: When residents think of colleges, technical schools and universities in the region, which ones come to mind? What do students intend to accomplish when they enroll at a NHMCCD college? What are the main reasons students cite for enrolling at a college?
NHMCCD needs to learn: What factors were most important in the selection of a college to do the course, program or degree a student is currently taking? (Rank them.) How do students rate the college district’s performance on most important selection factors?
NHMCCD needs to learn: Other than low fees, what is the biggest single thing NHMCCD has going for it? Besides lowering fees, what could NHMCCD do differently to better meet student needs?
NHMCCD needs to learn: How does NHMCCD rank among its nearest competitors for: Providing quality instruction? Providing value for the money? Providing the best all-round college experience? Reputation with local employers (Which institution is most helpful in getting a job?)
NHMCCD needs to learn: What are the main benefits a community gains from the presence of a local community college? What benefits of having a local community college do students rate highest (from personal experience)? How well does NHMCCD perform against these benefits?
NHMCCD needs to learn: Are students satisfied with the course they took at NHMCCD? What types of courses would a person be interested in taking if they were offered by NHMCCD? How happy are residents with NHMCCD and the direction the district is going? What can NHMCCD do or change to better meet (your) needs?
Timeline: Mktg Council reviews April 13 RFP distributed mid-May Vendor selected late May BOT approves contract June 7 Research conducted June-July Presentations to August Mktg., EC, BOT, 5 colleges