Prerequisites for all inverse seismic processing Wavelet---Z. Guo Deghosting---J. Zhang
Strategy The inverse sub-series for specific tasks (e.g., free surface and internal multiple elimination) have properties and strengths that need to be preserved to derive full benefit and to allow them to reach their full potential. For example, those latter procedures predict the time and amplitude of an arbitrary move out trajectory. Those multiples are surgically removed and they have no problem with, e.g., interfering events or proximal multiples of different orders, or large or small or intermediate offsets.
Strategy We advocate: Include all factors in the algorithm that can affect amplitude and its offset dependance (e.g., data deghosting and including the obliquity factor); Include the number of terms in the series to the order of multiple you anticipate as relevant; Assure that the methods used to provide the prerequisites (e.g., the wavelet) are consistent and consonant with the methods they are meant to serve.
Strategy We advocate (cont’): 4. The current energy minimization adaptive subtraction, while often useful, can precisely fail exactly when the demultiple methods they are meant to serve, have their greatest strength; 5. Direct wave theoretic methods (on the same firm footing as the ISS) and based upon novel variants of the extinction theorem are part of this program
Wavelet (general reference wavefield) Weglein and Secrest, (1990) Isotropic source F.S. M.S. Earth
Wavelet (isotropic point source) H. Tan (1992); A.Osen et al. (1998) F.S. M.S. Earth
Wavelet (isotropic point source) H. Tan (1992) and A.Osen et al. (1998) H. Tan (1999), Weglein et al. (2002)
Wavelet (isotropic point source) Z. Guo, Weglein and Tan(2005)