L2: Types of Researchers
Lesson 2: Focus Everyone is different in what they do with observations that they make or data that they take in about a phenomenon. For example, look at the different variety of rainbows in the world. What questions would you ask about these different images? Images obtained from a Google Image search of Different Types of Rainbows: https://www.google.com/search?q=different+types+of+rainbows&espv=2&biw=1236&bih=595&site=webhp&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjEoMmYzc3NAhXJFj4KHQWVD_oQsAQILA#imgrc=Bp8cBxf0czd_WM%3A
Talk to Three or Four Other Students What question do you have about the different types of rainbows? Here is my question…….. How are our questions the same? How are they different? Why do individuals have different questions about the same phenomena?
How Do YOU Inquire? Most of us have our own unique style of inquiry. Some styles embody the traditional norms of science while others exemplify nontraditional norms. There is no one right or wrong way to investigate a problem per se, but if you have a very strong research style, you might find it frustrating to work on a project that is designed for a different type of researcher.
How Do YOU Inquire? A research topic should be an original contribution to scholarly research that fills a void in the literature and extends prior knowledge. An inquiry can replicate a study in a different environment or time or develop a new theory. Regardless of its intent, you should find a project that you are passionate (or extremely interested) about working diligently on.
What Kind of Research Aligns with YOU? Read the statements on your paper and indicate on the accompanying Likert-type scale how strongly you agree with each declaration. Note that these questions are intentionally complex and force a commitment to one view rather than allowing for a neutral or a no opinion option. Perform the calculations to determine if you are a Researcher Type I-IV. Read about your research style(s) and evaluate the strength of the descriptions and your computed style with how you feel you engage in inquiry. Identify the methods that align with your paradigm and your research question.
Your Style of Inquiry and Aligned Methods I. Conceptual Theorist II. Analytical Scientist III. Particular Humanist IV. Conceptual Humanist
Type of Researcher and Associated Methods Look at the Choosing Your Research Method document and answer the following questions: Which three methods appeal to you the most and why? Which three methods appeal to you the least and why? Share out with your table group the extent to which you believe your identified type of researcher, motto, research topics, and associated methods align with how you feel you actually engage in everyday inquiry.
Reflection-Include your response in your Trello. To what extent do you believe your identified type of researcher, motto, research topics, and associated methods align with how you feel you actually engage in everyday inquiry? What do you believe (if any) are the potential challenges with engaging in research methods that do not align with your natural way of inquiry?