Science as a Way of Knowing Chapter 2 Science as a Way of Knowing Botkin & Keller Environmental Science 5/e
Environmental Science 5/e What makes questioning – SCIENCE Botkin & Keller Environmental Science 5/e
Environmental Science 5/e Disprovability If you can think of a test that could disprove a statement, then that statement can be said to be scientific. If you can’t think if a test, then the statement is said to be nonscientific. Botkin & Keller Environmental Science 5/e
Environmental Science 5/e Examples The school’s cell phone policy is unfair. Non-scientific- 40% of students state that the cell phone policy is unfair. Scientific- This statement CAN be disproved Botkin & Keller Environmental Science 5/e
Environmental Science 5/e Scientific Method Actually a set of methods which are the systematic methods by which scientists investigate natural phenomena Botkin & Keller Environmental Science 5/e
Environmental Science 5/e Read pgs. 22-24 Copy the “Scientific Method” diagram What is meant by serendipity? Botkin & Keller Environmental Science 5/e © 2008 John Wiley and Sons Publishers
Measurements and Uncertainty Experimental errors: Measurement uncertainties and other errors that occur in experiments. Accuracy: The extent to which a measurement agrees with the accepted value Precision: The degree of exactness with which a quantity is measured Botkin & Keller Environmental Science 5/e
Environmental Science 5/e Precision vs. Accuracy Botkin & Keller Environmental Science 5/e