Score Reporting Scores are required to power the UHSAA RPI Once the RPI is released, it will update every hour until hidden
Options for score reporting Option 1: on desktop Good for schedule setup/entering stats Use or the Teams by MaxPreps app. Make sure you are not using the MaxPreps Fan App to enter scores. The fan app is for viewing other scores. Option 2: Teams by MaxPreps app Preferred & quickest way to report scores Ability to enter stats if desired Native apps: android and iOS
Entering schedule and scores on
Step 1: Go to and click Sign In
Sign In Enter your email and password New users, or those without access should create an account and then email or their AD
Once signed in, hover mouse over user icon in upper right corner Click on your school If you’re an AD, it takes you to your AD Admin Area (next slide). Coaches are taken to their Coach Admin Area.
To add coach access, or edit team schedules & scores click on Manage Teams
Manage Teams Click Manage next to the sport Select what level
Manage Team Click ‘Add/Update Permissions’ to grant access to a coach. Coaches should be granted ‘All Access’. Click the blue button ‘Login to Coach Admin’ to edit score/schedule/etc.
Coach Admin Area
Adding a Score After pressing the button under the Add/Edit column from the schedule page you can begin entering a score For baseball/softball/football this screen will have the added option to directly import GameChanger or Hudl results Enter the score and click ‘Save & Exit’ or ‘Save & Enter Stats’
Entering schedule and scores on Teams by MaxPreps
RPI Process
First rankings released one month after season start date As scores come in, RPI updates every hour RPI is hidden 2 weeks prior to state tournament Release Process
Sample Schedule for 5A Team - All games have a value of 1.749006 for 5A teams - You earn 0 points for a loss - You earn full value for your first game vs an opponent in a lower classification Notice rows 4-6: - A win vs an out of state opponent is worth 1.55 points for this sport - A win vs a 3A school equates to 1.32 points - A win vs a 6A school earns 2.01 points out of 1.74 - Wins vs opponents in your own class earn the exact number of points for the value of a game - Your win % is all your earned points divided by the total value of your schedule