Reader/Task focuser Cutter 1 Folder Taper Colorist/Cutter Read instructions to the group Keep group members on task, in order: Cut, color, tape, little fold, big fold, tape, identify anticodon Ensure that correct colors go on segments of the model Color one of the strips Pay close attention to the pictures in the instructions and ensure that Folder folds appropriately Cutter 1 Stay on task as directed by reader Separate strips by cutting with scissors Color one of the strips Precisely cut your strip Cut small pieces of tape and hand to the taper as needed Folder Stay on task as directed by reader Separate strips by cutting with scissors Color one of the strips Precisely cut your strip Place the strips in order and hold for the taper Make mountain and valley folds along segments of long strips as directed by the reader Fold the model to bring colored sections together, revealing the 3D molecule structure and hold for the taper Taper Color one of the strips Precisely cut your strip Tape strips together as Folder 1 holds them in place to make a long strip As the folder folds the model into its 3D shape, tape colored sections together Colorist/Cutter Stay on task as directed by reader Separate strips by cutting with scissors Color one of the strips Precisely cut your strip Cut small segments of tape and hand to the taper