Oregon Energy Plan As of April 2005
Long Term Goals: 2007-2025 10% of Load by 2015 and 25% of load by 2025 to be met with renewables other than hydro power 25% of State Government load by 2015 and 100% for 2025 5% of all gasoline will be E-85 by 2015 and 15% by 2025 (probably a natural outcome)
Short Term Goals by 12/2006 300 MW of new wind energy (essentially achieved) 10% of new wind energy from locally owned wind projects (not done) Implement effective solutions to the transmission bottleneck between Eastern and Western Oregon (not done difficult problem)
More Short Term Goals All utilities will offer customers a stable-price for some renewable energy product (mostly done) 1 MW installed solar (not done) 5 MW of biogas co-generation from wastewater treatment, dairies and landfills (? if done) 20 MW of geothermal electric generation (NO)
More 15 million gallons of biodiesel will be produced annually from Oregon crops and waste oils (getting there) 100 million gallons of ethanol annually produced (?)