Beyond Teaching Evaluations Exploring Models of Productive, Formative Classroom Observation
Why explore models of observation? Improve our teaching Improve our students’ learning Strengthen our institutional culture
Today’s Models MCSP Formative Observation Method (Dave Taylor) Faculty Teaching Circles (Mary Henold) RCTC Observation Student Fellow Observation Open Class Days
MCSP Department Formative Observations Our department has two version of formative class observations: Chair Observations Peer Teaching Observations The goal for both is to promote further pedagogical dialog in our department and to further see the connections between classes: Dialog Move beyond hallway discussions about teaching and see how faculty are implementing those strategies. Prerequisite Structure See how are “prior” courses in a sequence working, in terms of content and maturity.
Chair Observations Each faculty member is visited either once per semester or once per academic year (currently, once per year except for new faculty). The chair chooses the week, and the faculty member chooses the day (to ensure that I’m not watching students take tests). Things I Observe: Faculty Clarity (includes board work, presentation materials, discussion) Student Response/Activity (interaction between faculty member and students, and interaction between students) Time Management (including effective use of pauses and breaks) Follow-Up: Discussion with faculty member that begins with me asking the faculty member for their self-reflection, things that I thought went well and why, and at least one suggestion for improvement in the future.
Peer Teaching Observations Faculty members are paired at the start of the semester: I solicit input from faculty on the type of class or person they want to observe and why. Pairings have been made cross-discipline, between INQ class pairings, and between lab and lecture pairs or prerequisite structure pairs. Faculty meet before the observations to plan a focus for the observations and plan the times for the observations. After the observations, the department pays for a small lunch for each pair to get off-campus and reflect on the observations. A general plan of what each faculty member may try new in the future is submitted to the chair on a form.
Faculty Teaching Circles Includes 3-5 members from various departments and disciplines who observe each others classes at least once but possibly more often Could last a semester or a year They also meet as a group to discuss what they're seeing/learning At the end they do a presentation/workshop that reflects on what they've learned Could include some readings, as appropriate.
RCTC Observation Completely voluntary Completely confidential Observation done by member of RCTC staff (Director or Teaching Scholar) Pre-observation conversation: goals, particular concerns, etc. Driven by the instructor. Non-participatory observation Post-observation conversation Possible follow-up with reading materials
Student Fellow Observation Students would be carefully selected Students would be trained Observations would be voluntary and confidential Pre-observation conversation: goals, particular concerns, etc. Driven by the instructor. Non-participatory observation Post-observation conversation Could be a single observation or a series of observations
Open Class Days Folks are invited to open up their classrooms (Maybe from student nominations?) A list of open class sessions, times, places, is publicized amongst faculty Usually covers two days Non-evaluative Week ends with a collegial reception and discussion
Discussion Thoughts? Responses? Other ideas? Ranking
Today’s Models MCSP Formative Observation Method (Dave Taylor) Faculty Teaching Circles (Mary Henold) RCTC Observation Student Fellow Observation Open Class Days
Next Week! Translating Student Majors into Life- long Learning—And Successful Careers --Nelson Barre