The Underground Railroad Neither underground, nor a railroad. Discuss.
I’m collecting Friday’s packet in 20 mins. What are we doing?? I’m collecting Friday’s packet in 20 mins. If you are finished with that, start work on section 10.2 vocab. You can start it on the same sheet as section 10.1
Effects of the Fugitive Slave Act Many in the North are outraged and take action against the act. 9 Northern states passed Personal Liberty Laws which forbade imprisonment for runaway slaves and guaranteed them a trial by jury.
Runaway Slave Trials Northern Lawyers would use legal strategies to drag these trials out, sometimes for years, to increase the cost of the trial for the slave owner.
Underground Railroad During the 1850’s the Underground RR really picked up. It was no longer enough for slaves to get to the North, now they had to get to Canada.
Underground RR terms Conductor- someone who is helping to lead the runaways to freedom. Station- a safe house that would hold runaways for the night
Harriet Tubman She was the most famous conductor Born a slave, she suffered from severe seizures due to a severe blow to the head she received as a young girl. She escaped to Philadelphia when her master died After the Fugitive Slave Act she becomes a conductor
The Journey The journey was obviously very dangerous. Dangers included traveling at night, lack of food, constant fear of getting caught, getting lost…etc.
How would they know how to escape? Slaves sang “spirituals” that sounded like Christian worship songs, but actually had hidden coded meanings. More on this in a moment….
Uncle Tom’s Cabin This was a novel published by Harriett Beecher Stowe (white woman, not Harriett Tubman). It’s plot was about slaves traveling the Underground Railroad. It wasn’t the greatest novel ever written, but its content galvanized many in the North to become ardent Abolitionists.
Big Takeaways The Fugitive Slave Act was designed to stop the flow of runaway slaves. This backfired and actually increased the number of runaway slaves. It also turned many Northerners, who had been on the fence about abolition, into staunch Abolitionists.