“It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop.” 8/8/2019 Title: Anat & Phys 9/26/06 Objectives: To assess knowledge of histology and learn about skeletal anatomy Class Topics Quiz - Skeletal system anatomy Coloring – Cranial Bones Notes – Skull anatomy Facial bones “It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop.” Confucius Thursday, August 08, 2019 5:30 PM
Class Assignments Skeletal Anatomy Quiz 9/26/06 8/8/2019 Class Assignments What By When Skeletal Anatomy Quiz 9/26/06 Skull Anatomy Quiz 10/2/06 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future
Frontal Bone Superior, anterior bone of skull (Forehead) 8/8/2019 Frontal Bone Superior, anterior bone of skull (Forehead) Contains supraorbital foramen blood and nerves for forehead Connects to parietal bones at coronal suture Frontal sinus Superior section of orbits of eyes
Parietal Bone Meet at superior margin (top) with saggital suture 8/8/2019 Parietal Bone Meet at superior margin (top) with saggital suture Joins with frontal at coronal suture No foramen
8/8/2019 Occipital bone Posterior and inferior region (back and floor) of cranium Meets with parietal at lambdoidal suture Contains foramen magnum exit for spinal cord guarded by occipital condyles articulates with the atlas (1st cervical vertebrae) External occipital protuberance
Temporal Bone Meets with parietal at squamosal suture 8/8/2019 Temporal Bone Meets with parietal at squamosal suture contains external auditory meatus ear canal mandibular fossa articulation with mandible Zygomatic process Posterior region (back part) of zygomatic arch Cheek bone
Temporal Bone (cont.) Mastoid process Styloid process 8/8/2019 Temporal Bone (cont.) Mastoid process Anchor for neck muscles sternocleidomastoid Styloid process anchors for muscles of tongue and pharnyx
8/8/2019 Sphenoid bone Posterior region of orbits, inferior region of cranium (lower walls and floor) Contains optic foramen opening for optic nerve Superior and inferior orbital fissures nerves and blood to eyes Sella turcica (Turkish saddle) houses the anterior pituitary gland Sphenoid sinus
8/8/2019 Ethmoid bone Makes up nasal septum and divides cranial cavity from nasal cavity splits into some of nasal conchae Cribriform plate for passage of olfactory nerves Crista Galli (Rooster’s comb) Projection in the middle of the cribriform plate Ethmoid sinus
8/8/2019 Ethmoid bone