Networking: Use Your Preferred Communication Style Welcome! Opening: Welcome and thank you for coming , Cover logistics (timing/breaks) Facilitated Discussion: What brought you here today? What about being Introverted and Networking is causing concern? Answer concerns or refer to class agenda as appropriate. Get everyone talking if possible, but be sure to keep everyone comfortable – these are Introverts! Typical concerns brought up and where that will be addresses: “selling myself” – active listening “asking for help” – making specific requests “cold calling” – the definition of networking “networking events” – we’ll walk through a strategy for that “using the phone!” – email as an option
Definition of Extroversion Direct energy outwardly and are energized by the outside world. Enjoys involvement in events and having a lot of different activities. The following statements generally apply: Seen as “outgoing” or as a “people person.” Comfortable in groups and likes working in them. Have a wide range of friends and know lots of people. Sometimes jump too quickly into an activity and don’t allow enough time to think it over. Adapted from Looking at Type: The Fundamentals by Charles R. Martin (CAPT 1997) First, let’s define extroverts. Mention that levels of extroversion and introversion are on a continuum. Some people can flex into the other camp, especially for short periods of time. September 13, 2019
Definition of Introversion Direct energy inwardly and are energized by reflecting on their inner world. Often prefer doing things alone or with one or two people. Take time to reflect before taking action. The following statements generally apply: Seen as “reflective” or “reserved.” Comfortable being alone and like things I can do on my own. Prefer to know just a few people well. Sometimes spend too much time reflecting and don’t move into action quickly enough. Handout: Networking for Introverts, Details Handout: Self-Assessment: Your Preferred Style of Communication Think about this – we can’t change our personality but we can change our behavior in a particular situation. September 13, 2019
Definition of Networking Asking people you know or could get to know through others to share information, ideas and support to help you move forward Networking is not making cold calls Networking is forming relationships Does anyone know the original meaning of the word “networking” ? What do fishermen do in the winter? They strengthen the connections in their nets. “Networking” is about connections. September 13, 2019
Selected Strengths of Extraverts Interested in the external world Their focus is on people and objects Enjoy being with others and like group activities Like to be noticed Sociable, enthusiastic, eager to try new things Live in the present moment Often know a wide range of people What strengths might extroverts have that would help in networking? September 13, 2019
Selected Strengths of Introverts Concentration, focus Carefully thought-out goals Skilled in listening and observing Seen as stable people with depth Reliable, dependable Often form deeper, longer-lasting friendships Behavior is generally seen as consistent Thoughtful, sympathetic How Can These And Other Strengths Be Used In The Networking Process? Not all of us have the same strengths, but we may have some characteristics in common. If any of these are strengths of yours, how could this be used in networking and interviewing? September 13, 2019
Practical Tools for Networking September 13, 2019
Practical Tools for Networking Conversation Starters The occasion The location Nametag information Visual cues Conversation Continuers R – relationships (important people in their lives) O – occupation (what they do for a living) A – activities (what they do outside of work) D – drive (motivation) Conversation Starters: Do any of you find approaching a new person challenging? How do we “break the ice”? Here are some suggestions… “What do you think of this event?” “Did you travel far?” “That’s an interesting name/company name.” “That’s a great necklace.” Conversation Continuers: Silent moments can be OK, but to continue a conversation, let’s strategize about techniques… What do people like to talk about?? Themselves! So ask questions and let them talk. Here is an easy acronym to keep in mind when searching for something to bring into a conversation to keep it moving. Give some examples of how to continue encouraging a person to talk about themselves in any of these areas…
Helpful Strategies for Networking Have a script – don’t try to wing it Know what you want / define the outcome Practice, practice, practice – in the face of stress, we will revert to comfortable behavior Adopt a “stage persona” – your best self Use “enthusiastic” language Use your conceptual / intuitive skills Suggest a commitment - don’t be satisfied with “I’ll keep you in mind” Tell them “This is how you can help me” Walk them through your networking brief Do effective follow up - Use email effectively, not as a way of avoiding people Have a script – remember some of the conversation suggestions made earlier in class Stage Persona - Have you read interviews of Hollywood stars who say they tried acting in college because they were so “shy”? It’s a common story. We can use this technique also. A “stage persona” doesn’t need to be acting like someone else, but could be your most energetic you. Effective email - Email can be an effective way to communicate in many situations, but if it’s not working, you may need to use the phone. And in-person meetings always convey more information than either.
Wrap Up An extrovert can’t “play” an introvert, but an introvert can “play” an extrovert. How? By developing a greater ability to stretch outside the comfort zone. This comes through practice, practice, practice! Ask Yourself: What new networking techniques do I think I can implement? What have I found helpful in the past? Who do I know that can help me with this? We are born with our personality traits and strengths, and these won’t change. However, we can examine behaviors that aren’t working for us and change them by conscious choice and practice, practice, practice. We need to leverage the strengths we have - be your “best you” when job searching. And “feel the fear and do it anyway”.
Thank You