Photo by ADB ADB SUPPORT TO THE PACIFIC WATER SECTOR 9th Pacific Water Conference & Expo in Nuku’alofa, Tonga 9th August 2016 Stephen Blaik, Pacific Department, Asian Development Bank
$27.17 ASSISTANCE BY REGION BILLION $0.54 billion $3.12 billion TOTAL ASSISTANCE ASSISTANCE BY REGION $27.17 BILLION $0.54 billion Regional $7.30 billion Central and West Asia $3.12 billion $7.80 billion East Asia South Asia $7.95 billion Southeast Asia $0.46 billion Pacific
Pacific Island Countries
Pacific Approach 2016-2020 A strategy document due for Board consideration in August 2016 Addresses common issues faced by the 14 Pacific island countries with an emphasis on the smallest 11 countries PIC-11: Cook Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu The three larger Pacific countries (Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste) have independent Country Partnership Strategies Three priorities for inclusive and sustainable growth (PIC-11): Reducing costs Managing risks Enabling value creation Photo by ADB
ADB’s Vision of Water for All Photo by ADB ADB’s Vision of Water for All ADB’s “Water for All” policy and vision, adopted in 2001, guides ADB’s work on water and development. It seeks to promote water as a socially vital economic good that needs careful management to sustain inclusive and equitable economic growth and reduce poverty. It also advocates a participatory approach in meeting the challenges of water conservation and protection.
Photo by ADB The Pacific Context Growing demand for water and sanitation / Declining quality of water resources Limited policy and regulatory frameworks Limited financial and technical resources Tariffs barely cover O&M costs / High reliance on government subsidies Limited local capacity More frequent and severe climatic events
SDGs: By 2030, “Ensure access to water and sanitation for all” Photo by ADB MDGs: “By 2015, halve the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation” 7 Pacific DMCs met the water target, 3 Pacific DMCs for sanitation SDGs: By 2030, “Ensure access to water and sanitation for all” Complemented by other goals and targets defined at the country level
ADB Pacific Portfolio in WSS Increased access to improved WSS Affordable and equitable access to WSS Financially, technically, and environmentally sustainable services Network rehabilitation and lower non-revenue water (NRW) Effective asset management Utility reform and strengthening utilities’ financial performance Capacity development of IAs and EAs Improved stakeholder engagement and community empowerment in decision-making Strengthened governance, regulatory frameworks and policy reform Fostering private sector development Climate-proofing infrastructure Assisting DMCs to leverage climate and other financing Photo by ADB
Tonga Nuku-alofa Urban Development Sector Project Photo by ADB Tonga Nuku-alofa Urban Development Sector Project Helping Tonga improve urban planning and management and the delivery of sustainable urban services in Nuku'alofa $12.5 million (ADB $6.06m, Australia $6.44m) (Proposed) Integrated Urban Sector Resilience Project: TA in 2016
Federated States of Micronesia Photo by ADB Federated States of Micronesia Omnibus Infrastructure Development Project (OIDP) – due to close in 2016 Enhancing public health and the environment through assistance to improve water supply infrastructure in Kosrae and Yap, and wastewater infrastructure in Pohnpei $19.51 million (ADB: ADF $14.71m, OCR $4.8 m)
Fiji (Proposed) Urban Water and Wastewater Management Project Photo by ADB Fiji (Proposed) Urban Water and Wastewater Management Project Increasing access to reliable and adequate supplies of safe water in urban centers and to sanitary and environmentally safe sewerage waste systems and treatment facilities $222 million (ADB: $67m; GCF: $31m; Fiji government: $89m; Other donors: $35 m) Pending ADB board approval in late 2016
Fiji – Cyclone Winston Emergency Assistance Photo by ADB Fiji – Cyclone Winston Emergency Assistance Emergency assistance loan to the Government of Fiji for short-term financing of disaster recovery reconstruction programs School rehabilitation, housing assistance and urban infrastructure including WSS $50 million (ADB)
Kiribati South Tarawa Sanitation Improvement Project (STSISP) Photo by ADB Kiribati South Tarawa Sanitation Improvement Project (STSISP) Improving sanitation infrastructure, sewerage and maintenance capacity, and public hygiene $21.152 million (Australia $13.95m, ADB $7.56m, Water Financing Partnership Facility $0.61 m) (Proposed) South Tarawa Water Sector Development Program (TA in 2016)
Republic of the Marshall Islands Ebeye Water Supply and Sanitation Project Improving access to safe water and improved sanitation in Ebeye $9 million (ADB $5 million, Australia $4 million) Photo by ADB
Samoa Community Sanitation Project Photo by ADB Samoa Community Sanitation Project Giving vulnerable households sustainable access to better sanitation in targeted regions of Samoa $2million (Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction)
Timor Leste Dili Urban Water Supply Sector Project (due to close in 2016) Improving water supply services for households, businesses and institutions in Dili City $6 million (ADB) District Capitals Water Supply Project Helping to provide sustained 24-hour water supply to Manatuto and Pante Masar towns $11m (ADB) TA: Strengthening Water Sector Management and Service Delivery ($1.312m) TA: Urban Services Improvement Sector Project ($1.418m) TA (Regional): Knowledge and Innovation Support for ADB's Water Financing Program. Pilot Demonstration Activity – Design of Sanitation Output-Based Aid Pilot in Manatuto Town ($50,000) Photo by ADB
Vanuatu Port Vila Urban Development Project Helping Vanuatu expand access to basic services in Port Vila and surrounding areas in Shefa province $35.999 million (Australia: $26.499 m, Australian TA grant: $4.5m, ADB: $5m)
Regional Assistance TA: Strengthening disaster and climate risk resilience in urban development in the Pacific Building the resilience of social and economic development in Pacific developing member countries (DMCs) to climate change and natural hazard events ($0.65m, ADB) TA: Strengthening urban infrastructure investment planning in the Pacific Building the capacity of Pacific DMCs to plan and assess priority urban infrastructure investments to support more sustainable urban development in Pacific cities and towns ($0.7m, ADB) TA: Mapping Resilience to Fragility and Conflict in Asia and the Pacific Support for strengthening PWWA ($0.127m, ADB) Support for the Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF) ADB is current chair of the water and sanitation sector working group Photo by ADB
Pipeline Technical Assistance NAU Urban Planning, Policies and Institutions PNG Preparing the District Towns Water and Sanitation Project RMI Preparing the Majuro Water and Sanitation Project VAN Preparing the Port Vila-Urban Development Project NAU Preparing the Urban Development Project Pipeline Projects TIM Urban Services Improvement Project & MFF Urban Services Strengthening (Tranche 1) KIR South Tarawa Water Sector Development Program PNG District Towns Water and Sanitation Project RMI Majuro Water and Sanitation Project VAN Port Vila Urban Development Project, Phase 2 NAU Pilot Urban Development Project TON Integrated Urban Sector Resilience Project VAN Luganville Urban Development Project Photo by ADB
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