Progress on goose management © Magnus Elander AEWA/European Goose Management Platform Progress on goose management Eva Meyers, Coordinator AEWA European Goose Management Platform
EGMP Mandate and development of International Single Species Management Plans (ISSMP) AEWA Action Plan: “Parties shall cooperate with a view to developing single species management plans for populations which cause significant damage (…) Resolution 6.4: “Requests the Secretariat to facilitate, funding permitting, the establishment of an European multispecies goose management platform and process to address sustainable use of goose populations and to provide for the resolution of human-goose conflict
AEWA European Goose Management Platform Pink-footed Goose, Svalbard population; ISSMP implemented since 2012 Taiga Bean Goose; ISSAP endorsed at AEWA MOP6, November 2015 Barnacle Goose, 3 populations Greylag Goose, NW/SW European population
15 participating Range States Belarus – 1 population Latvia – 2 Belgium – 3 (Lithuania – 2) Denmark – 4 Netherlands – 4 Estonia – 2 Norway – 4 EU - 6 Poland – 3 Finland – 2 Russia – 2 France – 1 Spain – 1 Germany – 3 Sweden – 3 Iceland – 1 UK – 2 Ireland – 1 Ukraine – 1
Timeline 2016-2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Pink-footed Goose (1) Implementation Taiga Bean Goose (1) AHMP Implementation Barnacle Goose (3) ISSMP AFMP Greylag Goose (1) ISSMP ISSMP = International Single Species Management Plan; AHMP = Adaptive Harvest Management Programme AFMP= Adaptive Flyway Management Programme
International Single Species Management Plan for the Barnacle Goose East Greenland/Scotland & Ireland Svalbard/South-west Scotland Russia/Germany & Netherlands Photo: Magnus Elander 1st Barnacle Goose Stakeholder Workshop (12-14 June 2017, Copenhagen)
International Single Species Management Plan for the Greylag Goose (NW/SW European population) 1st Greylag Goose Stakeholder Workshop in Paris, October 2017
Other meetings EGMP International Modelling Consortium (January 2018) Internal Species Management Planning Workshop (January 2018) - development of the Framework for Action © Magnus Elander
Fundamental objectives Framework for Action Goal: Maintain the population in a favourable conservation status while taking into acount ecological, economic and recreational interests Fundamental objectives I. Maintain the populations at a satisfactory level II. Minimize agricultural conflicts III. Minimize the risk to public health and air safety IV. Minimize the risk to other flora and fauna V. Maximise ecosystem goods and services VI. Minimize costs of goose management VII. Provide hunting opportunities that are consistent with maintaining the populations at a satisfactory level
Each AFMP Defines Favourable Reference Values for the population – based on methodology to be agreed in the EGMP IWG in June 2018 Defines management units (for the Russia/Netherlands & Germany population) Defines targets (if necessary) above the FRV for the population, the management units and Range States - based on work to be carried out by the Modelling Consortium in 2018 and agreed in the EGMP IWG in 2019 Allocates quotas for harvest or killing under derogation amongst Range States willing and able to carry out such measures – EGMP IWG 2019 Provides protocols for monitoring & assessment Provides protocols for adaptive management Sets out workplans for the actions relevant for the population from the ISSMP Range States remain responsible for national planning and implementation within the framework of the international implementation plan Three population-specific Adaptive Flyway Management Programmes (AFMP) International Single Species Management Plan (ISSMP) Barnacle Goose East Greenland/UK & Ireland population Svalbard/Southwest Scotland population Russia/Netherlands & Germany population
Greylag Goose NW/SW European population Each AFMP Defines Favourable Reference Values for the population/management unit – based on methodology to be agreed in the EGMP IWG in June 2018 Defines management units Defines targets (if necessary) above the FRV for the population, the management units and Range States - based on work to be carried out by the Modelling Consortium in 2018 and agreed in the EGMP IWG in 2019 Allocates quotas for harvest or killing under derogation amongst Range States willing and able to carry out such measures – EGMP IWG 2019 Provides protocols for monitoring & assessment Provides protocols for adaptive management Sets out workplans for the actions relevant for the population from the ISSMP Range States remain responsible for national planning and implementation within the framework of the international implementation plan Adaptive Flyway Management Programme(s) (AFMP) International Single Species Management Plan (ISSMP) Greylag Goose NW/SW European population or separate AFMPs for each of its management units
Barnacle & Greylag Goose ISSMP timeline 2nd Draft Barnacle & Greylag Goose ISSMP submitted for review to AEWA TC14 2nd Planning Workshop for the Barnacle & Greylag Goose, Leeuwarden, Netherlands EGM IWG3 Final Drafts submitted to MOP7 1st Stakeholder Workshop for the Barnacle Goose ISSMP, Copenhagen Internal Species Management Planning Workshop, Kalo, Denmark October 2017 March 2018 May 2018 July 2018 June 2017 January 2018 April 2018 June 2018 December 2018 1st Stakeholder Workshop for the Greylag Goose ISSMP Paris, France 2nd Draft Barnacle & Greylag Goose ISSMP for consultation 3rd Draft Barnacle & Greylag Goose ISSMP submitted to Range States and Stakeholders Draft ISSMPs submitted to AEWA StC
Upcoming meetings: 1st Face-to-face meeting of the EGMP Task Forces (Taiga Bean Goose TF, Pink-footed Goose Task Force & Agriculture TF) 18 June 2018, Leeuwarden, the Netherlands 2nd Barnacle Goose and Greylag Goose Management Planning Workshop 19 June 2018, Leeuwarden, the Netherlands 3rd Meeting of the European Goose Management International Working Group (EGM IWG3) 20-21 June 2018, Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
Thank you! © Jari Peltomäki More information: Contact: