Dalkeith High School Daily Bulletin Tuesday 19 March 2019 #DeterminedHappySuccessful
Dalkeith High School - Mental Health Week 2019 Share your Love Hearts with friends, or with someone you haven’t spoken to. Try not to read the message first. Have fun! Dalkeith High School - Mental Health Week 2019
Nat 5 Retail Bake Sale - Thursday The Nat 5 Retail class will be holding a Bake Sale in Miss Steele’s room in Geography on Thursday at lunchtime. This is an assessment, so expect high quality baked goods and a welcoming atmosphere! Miss Steele
China Trip A reminder that there is a meeting today for all pupils visiting China in the summer. The meeting will take place in Mrs Dobson’s office. Please bring your lunch. Mrs Dobson
Step-up Challenge All pupils who participated in the ‘Step-up Challenge’ for Comic Relief please remember to bring in your £2 for Comic Relief by the end of today. The winner will be announced later this week. Mr Aitken