Last lesson - Friday: 24 mark questions – 2 minute mind maps Past paper questions
Po-mo and Marxism revision
INDEPENDENTLY 5 minutes - From memory, fill in as much of the perspectives revision table as possible. 2 minutes – compare yours with the person next to you
Marxism Feminism Radical feminism Marxism feminism New Right Liberal feminism New Right How they see the family Key thinkers Key terms Evaluation
Postmodernism and the family Fragmentation of society Life course Individualism Postmodernism and the family Surveillance Diversity Choice
1. Postmodernism Foucault: Panopticon society Donzelot: Unequal family surveillance – Troubled Families Programme (Conservative Party)
1. Postmodernism Anthony Giddens (late modernity) Family and marriage has changed due to greater equality and choice Contraception has allowed sex and intimacy rather than reproduction as the main point of the reproduction Independence of women
1. Postmodernism Hareven (1978) The life course Choice Diversity
1. Postmodernism The life course Individual meaning Claire Holdsworth and Morgan (2005) The life course Individual meaning ‘family practices’ not structures
1. Postmodernism The life course Individual meaning Claire Holdsworth and Morgan (2005) The life course Individual meaning ‘family practices’ not structures Society is fragmented
1. Postmodernism Cheal (1993) chaotic postmodernity. There is no single type of family (eg: lone parents) only FAMILIES.
1. Postmodernism Beck Decline of the traditional Lack of stability Rise of the negotiated family
1. Postmodernism Weeks New Right losing the battle Family diversity undeniable Growing acceptance of diversity
2. Marxism Engels: Nuclear families (monogamy) were developed as a means of passing on private property to heirs.
2. Marxism Althusser In order for capitalism to survive, the working class must submit to the ruling class. He suggested the family is one way of passing on the ideology and beliefs of the ruling class. Althusser sees the ruling class as almost tricking the working class.
2. Marxism Zaretsky The family performs an ideological function, offering the worker a ‘haven’ from the harsh exploitive world of capitalism.
A very quick concept test… A key term will be displayed for five seconds You need to write down the relevant perspective/s
5 minute paragraph Assess the argument in the first sentence: Individually write a paragraph evaluating one argument of either po-mo or Marxism: Assess the argument in the first sentence: Postmodernism offers sociologists a useful framework to help understand British society today… 2. Apply postmodernists to support this assertion: Postmodernists such as Cheal and Hareven accept that there is a lot of diversity today and unlike the New Right and Functionalists, they do not think that this fragmentation is a problem. 3. Apply examples to support the argument: Statistics definitely appear to support the postmodernist argument. Single parent families and childless couples accounted for 31% and 29% of all families in 2013 respectively; cohabitation has surpassed 6 million and interestingly, 3.7% of married people are living apart. As Morgan argues, family structure is an unsuitable term today, family practices is much more apt. Families today are fluid and diverse.
Whilst Evidently Seemingly It could be argued that While On the contrary Rather Hence Consequently Furthermore Although In contrast On the other hand Resultantly Thus Therefore Moreover,
Postmodernism offers sociologists a useful framework to help understand British society today. Postmodernists such as Cheal and Hareven accept that there is a lot of diversity today and unlike the New Right and Functionalists, they do not think that this fragmentation is a problem. Statistics definitely appear to support the postmodernist argument that families today are fluid and diverse. Single parent families and childless couples accounted for 31% and 29% of all families in 2013 respectively; cohabitation has surpassed 6 million and interestingly, 3.7% of married people are living apart. As Morgan argues, family structure is an unsuitable term today, family practices is much more apt.
The next paragraph… Always try and link your opening statement to the last paragraph: Indeed the statistics and a whole host of sociologists support the postmodernist view rather than the view espoused by the functionalist, George Murdock that the nuclear family is universal. Robert Chester’s argument that the nuclear family has merely changed into a neo-traditional family also seems out of date. Instead, sociologists such as the Rappoports support the postmodernists stating that "Families in Britain today are in a transition from coping in a society in which there was a single overriding norm of what family life should be like to a society in which a plurality of norms are recognised as legitimate and, indeed, desirable".
Bingo! Functionalism Marxism Feminism Radical feminist Marxist feminist Liberal feminist Murdock Parsons Althusser Engels Ansley Patriarchy Equal pay act Delphy & Leonard Bourgeoisie Proletariat Domestic violence Beechey Socialisation Men Capitalism