Rotterdam Public Library supporting people to integrate and participate May 2010 Gerard Reussink 14-9-2019.


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Presentation transcript:

Rotterdam Public Library supporting people to integrate and participate May 2010 Gerard Reussink 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: supporting people Rotterdam Public Library inspires and stimulates the search for knowledge and information and enjoying reading and language 14-9-2019

Rotterdam public library: the key word is “language”! Language is the key word for people to be able to participate in society The public library is a place where language is omnipresent The public library is the only institution next to schools were people can rely on 14-9-2019

Rotterdam public library invests in E-centers/ centers of study and education in many of our district libraries City study center Educational programs for pre-school, schools, adults Special programs for low literacy Special language training points and support Special programs for youth 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: supporting people Rotterdam Library Stimulation of language skills Reading enjoyment Media awareness Low-threshold Free admission Easy access 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: supporting people 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: supporting people a multi-cultural city 600.000 inhabitants in 2009: More than 170 nationalities 53% natives and 47% immigrants 60% of the juvenile population is non-native 22 % of Rotterdam is low-literate 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: supporting people Civic integration program Learn Dutch Learn about Dutch society Actively participate in the Netherlands 14-9-2019

Participation Ladder Paid Labour Paid Labour with support Focus of presentation: introduction of the participation ladder in social inclusion by the library Participation Ladder Paid Labour Paid Labour with support Non paid labour Participation in organized activities Social involvement in R’dam society Isolation 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: supporting people Phase 3 Phase 2 Phase 1 isolation 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: supporting people Phase 3 Phase 2 Social involvement in sociëty Phase 1 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: supporting people Phase 3 Participation in organised activities Phase 2 Phase 1 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: supporting people Civic integration program in Rotterdam 65.000 people Free courses Participation Close cooperation with Rotterdam Library 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: The broad approach towards low literacy (Better) Reading and Writing Integration Work and Job Application 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: The broad approach towards low literacy (Better) Reading and Writing Integration Work and Job Application 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: The broad approach towards low literacy (Better) reading and writing Low-threshold introduction program 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: The broad approach towards low literacy (Better) reading and writing Low-threshold introduction program Special collection ‘Read and Write’ 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: The broad approach towards low literacy (Better) reading and writing Low-threshold introduction program Special collection ‘Read and Write’ Branches all over the city 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: The broad approach towards low literacy (Better) Reading and Writing Integration Intergration Work and Job Application 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: The broad approach towards low literacy Integration Collection consists of different materials 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: The broad approach towards low literacy Integration Collection consists of different materials Educational activities 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: The broad approach towards low literacy Integration Collection consists of different materials Educational activities Coorperation with schools 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: The broad approach towards low literacy (Better) Reading and Writing Integration Work and Job Application To apply and to work 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: The broad approach towards low literacy Work and Job Application Language traineeships and work placements 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: The broad approach towards low literacy Work and Job Application Language traineeships and work placements Employment coach 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: The broad approach towards low literacy Work and Job Application Language traineeships and work placements Employment coach Collection of materials 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: The broad approach towards low literacy Work and Job Application Language traineeships and work placements Employment coach Collection of materials e-centres 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: supporting people The circle is completed Educational program Cooperation Expert staff 14-9-2019

Special multimedia collection 4you! Special multimedia collection low threshold location in the neighborhood Applied activities in cooperation with schools 14-9-2019 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: supporting people Invest in youth: especially those who are not attracted to reading. Method: Try to reach them in their own surroundings and way of life: "Taalkr8 Leeskr8" fragment on Vimeo Make them proud when they are busy with language 14-9-2019

Rotterdam Public Library: supporting people low literacy Summary Common policy: Participation Ladder Close cooperation All programs are structurally embedded ‘Read and Write’ logo Training of staff Rotterdam Library is a fixed component of municipal civic integration courses Besides: focus on youth! 14-9-2019

1000 parents a year training in reading to toddlers Results?: Yes! In 2010 50 groups = 500 participants and in the years thereafter 1000 people/year 1000 parents a year training in reading to toddlers 200.000 users a year of the e-centers /centers of media literacy 50 workshops for pupils in technical and vocational training/year Trainees in the library of colleges of medium and higher professional education 14-9-2019