Welcome Nursery Induction Meeting Monday 7th June Sharon Barton (Head) Mary Nethersole (Assistant Head & EYFS leader)
Start dates Nursery will start for all in the week commencing Monday 9th September Really important that we phase the children starting in the setting Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 30 hour children 8.30 – 11.30 Morning children Afternoon children Morning & lunch Collect @ 12.30 All children in Normal attendance pattern Happy to discuss individual adapted timetables for a longer phased start
The Nursery day 08.30 - 11.30 am Morning session (flexible registration from 08.30 - 08.50) 12.30 - 3.30 pm Afternoon session (flexible registration from 12.30 -12.50)
The Nursery day (30 hour children) 08.30 am Arrival (flexible registration from 08.30 - 08.50) 11.30 am Lunch 2.30 pm Collection (Option1) 3.30pm Collection (Option 2) Option 2 is payable @ £5 per day for the additional hour. We will ask you to agree a weekly attendance pattern.
Home visits For all children Morning or afternoon between 3rd and 6th September Please sign up with your child’s name and first line of your address.
Communication Newsletters – whole school Emails / letters Text messages Website Consultations and Learning journals Talk to teacher or key worker daily as needed
Class Information Class newsletter Meet the teacher sessions Choose a book from Nursery or the library Parent handbook
Staffing in Nursery Mary Nethersole Sam Golds Jayne Burke-Adams Mahmuda Khanom Lorraine Reynolds Tina Regan Peter Peck
The Nursery day Self registration Busy fingers Small group time Active learning Rolling snack Story time P.E session weekly As year progresses – group time extended based on key skills
Assessment On-going Baseline At their level Learning Journals
Uniform Optional (no need for plimsolls) Sensible clothing – will get dirty Spare clothes Coat, hat etc suitable for the weather Coat needs to be waterproof Wellies
Performances Christmas performance Class assembly – Summer Sports Day Volunteering in class
Key dates Transition sessions: Thursday 27th June 1.15pm – 2.15pm Thursday 4th July 9.30am – 10.30pm Thursday 11th July 9.30am – 10.30am (15 places per session – sign up) Summer Fair Saturday 15th June 12 – 3pm Open Evening Thursday 4th July 4.30–6.30pm
Forms, Forms, Forms ... Admissions form Photo consent Home school agreement Funding application
Questions Thank you for coming General questions now Also opportunity for individual questions at the end Thank you for coming