Exam Skills – Handling Data


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Presentation transcript:

Exam Skills – Handling Data 15 September 2019 Exam Skills – Handling Data Learning outcomes I will be able to: Plot data points on a graph and draw lines of best fit Construct your own axes/scales Explain how to respond to anomalies when plotting graphs Numeracy Objective Ensure graphs and tables have titles and units. REMEMBER: units are put into brackets. Literacy Objective Correct tense and verb agreement. You must use the correct version of the verb to match the tense. E.g. I see / I saw. I do / I did. Main errors are: We was..... Correct to: We were..... Presentation reminders Underline titles and dates. Include full date annotation. Use a pencil and ruler where appropriate for diagrams and tables. BfL reminders Reminder about phones/headphones given at start of lesson. If phones out after, the teacher will confiscate until the end of the lesson. Maintain a calm, learning environment. No eating, drinking or shouting out.

Plotting Mark scheme all points correct ± ½ small square Sometimes they give you the axis and scales so you just have to plot the points for 1 mark Mark scheme all points correct ± ½ small square

all points plotted correctly ± ½ small square Plotting Sometimes you need to do the axis and the scales for 3 or 4 marks Mark scheme x axis scale correct 1 y axis scale correct all points plotted correctly ± ½ small square

Lines of best fit… Lines of Best Fit DO NOT have to go through zero (the origin) DO NOT have to be a straight line DO NOT include anomalies in lines of best fit SHOULD always follow the points IF it is a straight line then it should be drawn with a ruler IF it is a curve then it should be drawn free hand

Your axis do not have to start at zero Plotting Graphs Bad Example Good Example Your axis do not have to start at zero

Plotting Graphs Bad Example Good Example Your scales should never go backwards even if the numbers in the table do

Plotting Graphs Bad Example Good Example Avoid going up in odd numbers. It will confuse you and make it harder to plot.

Every major axis line should have a number written next to it Plotting Graphs Bad Example Good Example Every major axis line should have a number written next to it

Numbers must count up the same amount each time Plotting Graphs Bad Example Good Example Numbers must count up the same amount each time

Plotting Graphs Bad Example Good Example When you decide on your scale, make sure ALL the points will fit on the graph

Plotting Graphs Bad Example Good Example Don’t make plotted points too big. If it covers too much space the examiner will assume its in the wrong place

Plotting Graphs Bad Example Good Example Don’t force a line of best fit through the origin. It should follow the points

Plotting Graphs Bad Example Do not join points up dot to dot. Only very specific graphs can do this and they won’t ask you to plot them.

Plotting Graphs Your turn. Plot graphs for the following exam data and don’t forget the line of best fit.

Plotting Graphs Your turn. Plot graphs for the following exam data and don’t forget the line of best fit.

Plotting Graphs Your turn. Plot graphs for the following exam data and don’t forget the line of best fit.

Plotting Graphs Your turn. Plot graphs for the following exam data and don’t forget the line of best fit.

Lines of Best Fit

Lines of Best Fit NEVER include anomalies in lines of best fit. They might not point out that there is one like they have in the example