Excerpt from the Hsp70 sequence alignment showing some of the important sequence signatures (boxed regions) distinguishing eukaryotic nuclear-cytosolic homologs from prokaryotic and organellar homologs. Excerpt from the Hsp70 sequence alignment showing some of the important sequence signatures (boxed regions) distinguishing eukaryotic nuclear-cytosolic homologs from prokaryotic and organellar homologs. G− and G+ refer to gram-negative bacteria and gram-positive bacteria, respectively. The boxed region marked ➁ shows the diderm insert in the N-terminal quadrant common to all eukaryotic homologs and gram-negative bacteria. The signatures marked ➀ and ③ identify two indels that distinguish eukaryotic nuclear-cytosolic homologs from all organellar and prokaryotic homologs. Other prokaryotic homologs not included in this alignment (e.g., some shown in Fig. 3) also contained the indicated signature sequences. Not all signature sequences of the above kinds are shown. The notation (e) in parentheses identifies ER Hsp70 homologs. Mitochond. and hydrogeno. refer to mitochondria and hydrogenosome homologs. Radhey S. Gupta Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 1998; doi: